
Why do people get divorced?

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Isn't it great being married in the first place? Making vows to make each other happy for the rest of their lives? Starting a family, and raising your kids to be great people? Do people really change through time?

I think marriage is so pointless if you're getting divorced after.




  1. Most people start out with the best of intentions but have no idea what they're getting into.  Love is great, but marriage is work and you must work at it every day.  Passion will ebb over the years at least for most. This doesn't mean the love dies out, it just changes and matures and if you're lucky deepens. Too many people get married and think that puppy-love stage will last forever.  Then comes money problems, kids, physical & emotional health issues, you name it, all real world stuff.  Those couples who support each other throughout all of that survive and grow together; those who are too immature, selfish, etc. do not and go their separate ways (even if they stay married...).  I think the ratio now for divorce is about 50/50, so it's a c**p shoot.  And when you're young you don't listen to anyone tell you about how marriage really is because you're "in love" and it will be different for you.  Most time not so much.  But when you make it work it can be the most fulfilling experience imaginable.

  2. marriage is not pointless is a learning experience and i can even say job some people are not willing to work hard enough to make it work so they quit  

  3. lack of committment, issues

  4. Divorce is for losers

  5. Marriage is never pointless. Divorce is for quitters, l0sers.

  6. Because a divorce is something you can get very easily nowdays. If divorce didn't exist people would think twice before getting married, and of course they would be more commited to their spouses and their relationships. These days, many marriages are equal to dating, breaking up, finding another mate etc.

    Is sad.

  7. Divorce happens when selfishness happens. It could be emotional, sexual, or monetary. When one starts asking "what is he/she doing for me?" Thats when it starts. When one person is so self involved in themselves and their priorities start shifting putting them and only them in first place all the time, then it happens. Marriage is hard to me but I want and desire to make it work.

  8. Well, thing intending to happen.

    You can not predict what is going to happen in life.

    He change, she change, we all change. Some time changed is not good.

    Some time there is not much of choices that you can take. You either say good bye to each other and each going separate way and be happy. Or they can just stay together and being miserable and may end up kill each other.

    I am not proudly to say but i been there and done that.



  10. usually money or lack of s*x or both

  11. marriage can either be wonderful or ugly.people usually divorce because of some unmet expectation,where it causes disillusionment,and it opens the door to betrayal. when someone is betrayed,you begin to feel bad about yourself, and your self worth plummets,and your marriage suffers.but not all people chose to handle their problems by leaving a marriage.

  12. I don't think anyone really plans for a divorce.  It's something that happens.

  13. No one gets married thinking that they will get divorced. People do change. Some hide who they are before marriage. Some refuse to work, have s*x, quite spending money or take care of the house. There are so many different reasons. I was divorced before because he cheated. I would divorce again if my second one cheated.  

  14. News flash for you... sometimes people do truly care for each other when they make their vows. Time can change things and most people don't do it because their spouse leaves the cap off of the tooth paste or likes the New York Yankees. A violation of the vows is cause for a divorce, even in the eyes of most organized religions.

    The following are justifiable grounds for divorce.

    1. adultery

    2. Mental, Emotional, or Physical cruelty

    3. Self-destructive behavior

    Once you do have kids they become your greatest responsibility and concern and if for any reason it is determinable that it is no longer in the best interests of the children to be in the care or supervision of one of the parents, a divorce is a justifiable ends to a means.

    The vows are serious but when one person breaks them it changes everything....

  15. Marriage is Great but sometimes it gets hard and you need to work at your relationship. The sad reality is now a days people don't want to work at it they just get a divorce. I guess they think getting a divorce will be easier but really they are just causing More problems.  

  16. Ok, I'm only 15 but this is what I honestly think. I think people say "I love you" because they want to fall in love. They aren't taking the time to actually look for love. When they assume they are in love they go off and get married and once they are married they realize that they aren't in love and things wouldn't work out. You just need to take the time and wait for that one special person. But I wouldn't know that's what i'm assuming.

  17. its not planned. now a days, people dont take marriage seriousely. its sad. in my case, i have been divorced. my ex cheated and couldnt stop. i really think that my vows stood over his. not my fault. people can change, but sometimes people think they know someone and they really dont. sometimes people want to believe that a person is a certain way,then they get mad when they change, but come to find they were the same all my ex, when i met him, he was womanizing me, but i over looked that red flag. then when he cheated, it was a shock?also, there are alot of taboos out there. too much access to bad things and people know too much. so sometimes its out of your hands. its sad. wish we were back in the old days.

  18. I agree with you 100%.  I married my husband because I want to spend the rest of my life with him.  My husband and I swore to one another that divorce would NOT be an option -- we married for life.

    I think that divorce should be outlawed unless you can prove infidelity or abuse.  Those are the only instances that I feel condone a divorce (barring someone going psycho or something like that.)  

    Really, I mean.. I love the security of being married.  I wouldn't trade my married life for anything.  I love waking up next to and going to bed with my husband every night, and I love knowing I'll never be alone again.  I love that I know he'll always be there for me and with me, and I him.  It's a beautiful thing!

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