
Why do people get embarrassed when they fall over?

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Why do people get embarrassed when they fall over?




  1. Because other people laugh. If others helped you up and were caring you wouldn't be embarrased.

  2. Knickers! lol

  3. becuase usually its in front of someone their trying to impress so they feel like complete losers in front of them...

    i personally find it hilarious when i fall over. i was once walking to school with a couple of friends in the morning and decided to jump of a filled dustbin bag so i was all like "hey guys watch this im gonna jump over this bin bag"...i did,...and i jumped INTO it hahah!

  4. I look healthy but I fall over (accident). People react like I've got plague. It is an embarrassment especially when people laugh, they've no idea what it's like to on the wobble.  

  5. Not when they fall over but in any incident when they look not according to acceptable behavior.

  6. At least its better than walking into a lamp-post

  7. It just looks undignified...thats a good question, why is it funny when people fall over, unless the poor person is actually really hurt!

  8. i just laugh if its me or someone else

  9. LOL

    Because You Look Sillyyy,

    + I've Had That Happenn LOADS,

    + Also Its Nearly Always In Front Of The People You Want To Impress


  10. You look silly, clumsy, foolish and uncoordinated.

  11. I actually feel over trying to look over our fence I don't really take critism seriously I couldn't careless what most people think

  12. because you look stupid and it kinda ruins your reputation a bit.

  13. Because its undignified and their pride gets bent. I find it hilarious and I laugh when I fall over

  14. because you look stupid

  15. because they are embarrassed at having seemingly made a fool of themselves, and that other people will laugh at them, which more often though they may not outwardly show it, do.  

  16. Because it's not the normal thing to do and it draws attention to you. Very embarrassing. You could also hurt yourself.

  17. haha cause usually you look like retards but i just imagine how it must have looked if it werent me and laugh alone with them haha. funnaYY!

    mwassies babe!

  18. supose there pride gets took down a peg but when i fall i just sit there and laugh  

  19. its not as bad as when i walked into a lampost last year and passed out

  20. .... more often than not... people will laugh you..

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