
Why do people get into the medical field? Is it because they truly want to help others or for the money

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and if it is for the money did they know that most doctor's do not make that much money football players and other athletes make millions and invested right make millions more. Why don't scientist come up with a cure for all these diseases we have in the world are they not smart enough, sorry if i am ranting, i am just wondering...




  1. Most people do not pursue an education in the medical field  based on money alone.  It takes a great deal of money and time(many years to become a physician).  You forego alot of freedom and personal time as well.  Most work weekends, holidays and shifts.  I am an RN and my husband is a Respiratory Therapist.  Rarely, are we both off the same day.  We were both off yesterday, that has not happened in months.  It was a nice family day with our four children.  We have alot of responsibility in our occupations, so yes we both went into health care to assist others in need.

    Mutation and overuse of antibiotics are two reasons that make curing disease difficult.  Mutation is a process by which pathogens or disease causing organisms change to adapt to current living conditions.

  2. im in the medical feild and i can tell you it is def not for the money. i enjoy doing it and dont get paid much (i am an emt)

  3. The cost of medical school kindof evens it out and its hard work. I think that deters alot of poeple. And of course, its different for everyone but in general, that's my answer.

    It's not about being smart either, finding cures that is, it's a process that can be hit or miss, maybe there are no cures, who knows.  

  4. same reasons people go into any field from stock broker to policeman. some have a real calling. they saw ER as a kid and want to be like someone in the show. some have a loved one who was saved by the medical community and want to relive the experience in their own lives. Others think that it is a secure way to make a living. there are always jobs and plently of mobility. you have to be a good student to make the grade. you need at least a B in organic chemistry and an overall gpa around 3.7. Then there is the MCAT test to get into medical school. You need a decent score. Once you get into medical school you are still not out ofthe woods. the classes are much harder than in college and the clinical rotations can be very demanding. after you finish medical school you are still not there. you have to do a residency that takes from 3 to 7 years. work, work, work. you delay gratification, study, take more tests and eventually get to help patients. well that is about it.  

  5. When I was about 6 or 7, my uncle was in pre-med.  When I visited him he would "teach" me things that he was learning.  I became very interested in medicine and health care.  After I graduated high school I enlisted in the Navy and became a Corpsman.  After discharge I went to nursing school because I wanted to help people.  I have been a nurse for 30 years.  Right now I work for a non-profit agency that assists the low income elderly in receiving assistance to meet their needs.  

    So yes I entered the health care field to help people.  

  6. You cannot generalize the reasons why people go into the medical field. It isn't right to lump them into one category. Some people go into the field to truly help others, while others do not.

    In regard to scientists not being smart enough to come up with a cure for all of the diseases in this world, it just isn't that simplistic. There are a lot of elements that go into finding cures. Then, when you find a cure, it may only work on one strand of the disease. Or, it becomes resistant to that antibiotic or treatment. It is a never-ending battle, unfortunately.

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