
Why do people get labeled?

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i get called loads of diff. ****

i hate it..

and people dont even know me.. and just shout it out at me

i get called emo. grunger. scene kid...sometimes even chav

i cant stand it,

do you do it?

and do ppl do it to you?




  1. I agree completely.

    It's as if people have a problem with the music, clothing ect. others like why can't they just accept people are different. Just because you have like some kind of jacket your a chav or are an emo because you like one song from a band, it drives me insane.

    I don't do it but I've had it done to me.

    Good question btw.

  2. cos ppl are so insecure of themself lol =]


  3. Society does it to make themselves feel better about themselves - comes down to power.

    Also society has to have something to target.

    At the moment I am labelled as the stressed mother and according to my 12 year old I'm 'tight'? LOL

    oh well, I still live to fight another day!

  4. people do it because they are mindless people who dont have enough time to sort there own lives out, so they sort others into categories

    just my opinion

  5. These labels exist because a lot of people allow themselves to be influenced by others, and they end up looking and acting the same way.  People therefore have certain expectations of others based on what they look like.

  6. I used 2 get called emo dnt know y

    Now i get called scally....people call me this 2 try nd insult me but im a scally nd proud o it.

    All them labelers can go swivel!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I have had it done to me when i was younger and i have unfortunately done it to other people but as you get older this should change. I have come to realise that you do not judge a book by its cover. If its because you look different to them then you are unique and good for you and try not to let these people get you down.

  8. i'm sure you do it too!

  9. Because people are stupid

  10. People call people names, slurs and such to make themselves feel more important than they are.

    Among teenagers its posturing, a natural social way of sorting the week from the strong. It occurs in most social species.

    Your challenge is to toughen up, I don't mean physically. If the emo, grunger style is you then relish it. Be strong mentally. Kids that are taunting you are looking for a reaction and by acknowledging the name calling by sulking or pouting  about it is giving them the week spot their looking for.

    So the next time someone calls you a name, hold your head high, smile and walk away. You've got a long life ahead and this is just a learning curve.

  11. the brain puts everything into categories to make it easier to access certain thoughts and ideas. it's just a natural organization process the brain does. kinda like when you hear "kitchen appliances" toaster, oven, stove, microwave, etc will come to mind. people are going to be placed into groups just because it's easier to remember them. "jennifer? oh, you mean that emo chick who's always looking dark?" easier to remember and identify people when they're in categories and labels. there's always going to be the jocks, preps, druggies/stoners, skaters/grunger, brains, dorks, populars, band geeks, hicks, etc.... it's pretty inevitable that you're going to fall into some category.

    if you dress and/or act a certain way that fits in with a certain crowd, you're going to get a label just like everyone else in your crowd.

    it's not right, especially when you're just being yourself. kids are immature. and who cares what they call you? you are who you are, people are always going to have something to say... no way around it. try not to be so bothered by it. focus more on yourself and your friends.... other people who don't even know you shouldn't matter so much.

  12. Narrow mindedness, pure and simple.

    Its the kind of thing that causes wars. parents pass it down to their children!!

  13. its bcuz ppl are jealous and only want to make themselves feel better about i dnt do it..but im labeled

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