
Why do people get mad when....?

by Guest10753  |  earlier

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When I mention that I am romanian and that I feel more at home there because ALL of my family is there. I don't get it!!!




  1. I don't get it, either.  Unless you say that in an insulting or condescending way, I see no legitimate reason why someone would be mad at you.  The only two reasons I can think of are both bad reasons to be mad at you:

    1. Those people infer that you are saying Romania is somehow better than the U.S.A. -- even though you are not implying anything of the kind; or

    2. Those people think that everyone should think the U.S.A. is the best country there is and that anyone who is in the U.S.A. should not say anything complimentary about other countries.

  2. It makes people think that you don't like it here.

  3. Shay was right. Its very offensive to tell people things like that. You put yourself on these people's shoes so that you will know & understand.

    What if I go to your country & tell you the same thing as you mentioned there above, how would you feel?

  4. It's most normal feeling the way you do in fact it would be stranger if

    you didn't, after all families important and home is where the heart is,

    if i came to romania and said  i like it there better  than my home and

    family in america, i would expsect some strange reactions, i doubt

    your a spy or terrioist any more than i would wanna be considered

    one . . .

    Worry not, for if we can't be respected for truly loving our home land

    and putting family first,  then others maybey need to examine there

    own alegions . . .

    it's  quite natural i assure you no matter where one roams, one will

    always miss there home land and family despite where ever they are,

    that's something we here in america could use a refresher course on,

    especially the way we worry about the world and others in distance

    places and yet so little of our own home land and it's people . . .

  5. Shay's answer is correct, but I don't see the big deal personally.  There are people who have been in the country there entire life who despise it.  Go figure.  I guess it just shocks some people that everyone doesn't have a blind love for the US of A.  It has it's high points, but nothings perfect.

  6. because people are retarded , some people dont know how it is to be from a different country and having customs they like

    to many ignorant people in america, ive delt with some of the same things, just dont mention it to people who you can tell are going to be stupid about the comment

  7. Maybe they're just jealous, or maybe it's the way you explain yourself when you talk about Romania! Perhaps I'd get mad too if someone would say "I hate this place, I love my own country". Probably it's not your case....  It's strange, but all the ppl I know, and I must admit that I know a lotta ppl, most of 'em are interested to know more things about Romania, or any other european country.

  8. They are just stupid people with a very narrow mind.  If they went to live in another country for awhile, no matter how great or beautiful, they would miss their birth country and the family left behind.

    There is nothing wrong with your feelings!!

    Plus, Romania is a beautiful country!  I was only there for a couple of weeks and I miss it.   I understand you perfectly.

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