
Why do people get mad when you pass them?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, when you are on the road and the opportunity comes up to pass a guy that's going 5-10 miles below the speed limit, why does he get mad when you pass him?

Horns, bright lights, sudden urge to "speed up" after countless miles of driving at a sub-snail pace.

This is more the norm than the exception, at least around here. Maybe they feel they should be in front, deciding the speed for an entire line of cars? Is it a power or control issue?

If you want to drive slowly, why would it bother you if someone passes you? I think it is very arrogant. I would rather have someone tailgate me than drag their a** in front of me. At least I can get rid of a tailgater by pulling over. You can't get rid of an A** dragger.




  1. Ya you pretty much answered the question.

  2. I think it has a lot to do with ego - they don't like to be anywhere other than in the lead, especially if passed by a woman.

  3. Chill out and grow up.  You're going to cause an accident if you drive with this kind of an attitude.  If they speeded up, you don't need to pass them anymore, do you?

  4. I think you answered it yourself. Ive had this so many times. When you pass a car which is going so slow and then they react with a sudden urge to speed up and tailgate. Probably they woke up. Sleeping with their eyes wide open.

  5. Meh, who cares what they do as long as you are driving safely.  Figure out what speed you want to go, use every opportunity of passing, etc to stay as close to that speed, then if people pass you or whatever, so be it.  The people you're talking about are probably half asleep or playing with radio/cellphone/whatever and not realizing how slow they are going until you pass them..  maybe then it clues in that they are actually late and need to go faster :)

  6. For the same reason you feel the need to pass them.  It's a control/power issue, like you said.

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