
Why do people get married ?? What makes them want to get married?

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I am 33, two kids, never been married, I wanted to get married for a brief time when i was 21 but never did. Why? If people know that there chances are less than 50% of staying together than why bother. What does a marriage offer that being single doesn't?




  1. Your chances are what you make them. Statistics aren't everything. You'll have a better chance of succeeding if you plan to succeed and also are willing to put in a lot of effort and work through any problems tha might arise.  I think you already know the general answers to the rest of your question.... I want to get married to have an "official" family, have someone to share my life with, etc.

  2. It can be so hard in this day and age to see the benefits of a good marriage.  I will start with the one nearest to my heart. One of the main purposes of a family is to provide a stable place for children to grow up to be good people.  So many problems can be solved by people not rushing into marriages because they are in "love" without their relationship really having any place to go, but getting married when they truely are in love with someone.  You may not realize what an effect happily married parents have on children.  Too often fathers are not really in the picture or are not good father figures.  I have see too many girls go searching in the wrong places for the fathers they should have had.  A father is who teaches a girl what a man is supposed to be, and if he isn't there or he is a bad example, that is what she is going to expect in a guy.  

    Man and woman were created to work together, they are two halves of the same whole.  They compliment each other, they were made to.

    A marriage also offers reliability and accountability.  One should be able to trust her spouse completely, he is a part of who you are, someone to walk throughout life with. He or she can't just walk out when things get tough because the pair of them swore "till death do we part" and if they didn't mean that with every ounce of their beings they shouldn't have walked down that asile at all.      

  3. Because most people do not treat themselves as statistics.  They believe in their spouse who they are and their love for them.  They want nuclear families and believe in marriage.  And of course there are some that don't...which explains a lot (but not all) divorce.

  4. People desire companionship and intimacy with another.  Too, you have a support team system in your own home to keep you going when times are tough and the loyalty that can be had hopefully if both parties are honest.

    Being single isn't so bad either.  It's a matter of choice and comfort.

  5. re: If people know that there chances are less than 50% of staying together than why bother.

    .....Your chances are much higher if you learn and use good relationship skills - married or not!

    Being married is not the mark of a good relationship.........happiness is, and happiness is almost 100% guaranteed if folks learn good relationship skills (google it).

    Without such skills (like most people), your relationship is about 100% guaranteed to FAIL!

  6. my religion.

    and there's the whole perk of a wedding. what girl doesn't dream about that!

  7. For a guy, the answer is NOTHING.  There are NO guarantees in marriage, so all that growing old c**p is just a bunch of bs.

    For women, it's different, your wife of 12yrs can be humping your neighbor in your living room when you get home and guess what?  She can divorce you and in some states you'd have to pay her alimony for the rest of her life?  (so much for equal rights)  Marriage allows women to leave with nice parting gifts and prizes.

  8. umm well for some ppl it provides an 'ok' from society which alotta ppl value....and marriage also provides a feeling of havin that 'official' tie between two individuals for some ppl.....

  9. That commitment to that single person.

  10. Some naive people believe that ring literally holds people together.

    Some stupid people knock up their girlfriend and think marriage should follow,

    Some lazy women never want to work outside the home and aspire to only breed and dust for their eternal lives.

    Oh and ps I love how the "religious" chick has an avatar of an as*.  Guess wh*reness is in the New Testament?

  11. Because everyone thinks they're going to be the other 50%.

    And really, do you fear getting into a car, because you could get killed driving those things you know.

    And bicycles, did you ever ride a bike?  Did you know you have a high probability of getting hit by a car?

    And did you even think about motorcycles? I'll bet it makes you shudder just to look at one!

    Don't even mention to me about smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol!

    I don't know why people take risks either, heck why on earth to women give birth to babies?

    Oops, I notice you have two babies of your own.  Good thing you had someone to take the risk of caring and bearing those kids uh?

  12. I've been married for going on 28 years, it is not easy, it has its up and downs-I get weird looks LOL because I have been with my husband since I was 18---it has been a rough road sometimes but we still love each other immensely. He's my soul mate, my past, my future, and the love of my life.  The father of my children and my best friend.  Marriage is a sacred institiuton, because of it we have two stable children, a good life, financially everything I need (never enough to have everything I want :>0) but its a good life.  I can not imagine having a life without him.  I think marriage brings a bond a certain "I look into his eyes thing and I see myself" thing.  He's as much a part of me as I am myself and its that security thing--emotionally and financially as he is on me and I am on him as well as we two are one.  Marriage does not always work out for everyone, and trust me we have had as many arguments in the past as any one also but; you get to grow old together and that is the great thing about being married.  When you truly love someone you just cherish every part of them it is a bond worth keeping.  

  13. ya im close to your situation I wish I knew the right answer ...from my point of view its a dream the whole wedding ceremony the tradition and the hope of the promise of torturing one another and being abel to throw good arguments during a fight like you promised me infront of all those people and god ......till death do us part.Maybe some see it sppirually which would be wonderfull some see it also as aobligation....thats only some thoughts  

  14. Marriage offers a tax break and half of everything when the divorce happens. LOL.  

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