
Why do people get married? why is it necessary?

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Gerry, love doesn't need marriage!!!

why not a live in relationship?




  1. it's societies way of trying to impose morals on you, i don't think it's necessary

  2. I do not think marriage is "necessary", you can do almost anything as a couple without the legal paperwork, except those few situations such as when filing your taxes and putting "married filing jointly". For me marriage is consummated even before you stand on an alter and say "I do". I think there is a high connection and bond between two people. So others view marriage only when that signature has been signed and the legal work done.

    Marriage is different for each individual. Some get married because they feel that need to make it "legal" which creates a sense of permanent and lawful. For some it could be religion. Others could be because they feel they love someone to such a high degree and since society has taught us that marriage is the proper way to go, they wish to commit to someone on the highest level possible in the eyes of themselves and society. Some may get married to be taken care of. There are many various reasons, but the correct answer to you is how you view it and accept it.

  3. Marriage is for the insecure.

  4. It is not a moral issue but a practical one.  Social structure is essential to avoid anarchy.  This is why the prime directive of women is Security.  A permanent arrangement is necessary for the raising of children.  

    Since before women invented agriculture, the deal has been "you can continue sleeping with me but you are going to feed me and the kids".  It's a contract necessary for civilization.  Similar to a Nation having stable laws, a constitution, orderly elections, marriage = continuity, something everyone can count on.  This way the kids have a stable secure environment, the woman has a form of social security, for having done her duty, making babies, working around the cave and in the fields every day, when she gets old, the contract provides for her.  She will continue to eat and have a roof long after her attractive charms are destroyed by gravity.

    Not to mention that in this modern world, if you don't marry her, she will feel she is being used for s*x without commitment and will make your life a living h**l.  :-)

    It's like playing poker, if you want to stay in the game, you've got to ante up.  To women that means commitment.  Sign the paper.

  5. The ideal of marriage is two people who love and respect each other across the seasons of their lives.

    About 1 in 10 to 1 in 20 couples succeed at this.  For them it is well worth it.

    As to the other 9 to 19 couples, the children are benefited by having stable, long-term adult models.  Again, couples who don't marry shouldn't have children, unless the couples are staying together for decades.

    "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

    There are also finer aspects to sexual and social intercourse, including the championing of the inner childlike qualities of the complementary gender partner.  This parallels the raising of children, which in part champions their childlike joy, love, kindness, and heals their greed, envy, and pride.  Soul-individuation, authentic self-realization, occurs in settings where the individuals are known, loved, and respected, over time.  Promiscuity and superficiality obscure this individuation process.

  6. In today's society it's not necessary, but most people still want the security it has to offer. People get married for many reasons. One being that their parents were married and they were taught this is the proper thing to do. If you choose to live together and not marry it's important to have a legal document drawn up stating that you will both share in living expenses and if you decide to go separate ways everything will be split 50/50. This is to include any unpaid debts. If willing to agree to this then live together. If you later decide you want to make it permanent and legal that's great. You just have to make plans first.

  7. For security, to feel complete.

    Money :-)

    it's not really necessary anymore because the government are giving rights to couples that aren't married where as previously, married couples had more privileges.

  8. I did not get married because it was necessary, I did it out of love.  Not a fleeting love, but as a permanent committed love.

  9. i think it has something to do with our animalistic need to reproduce. And in order to reproduce acording to society we have to aquire a life long mate...idk atleast thats what i think, that and why not marrige isnt all bad

  10. I think there are a bunch of reasons and excuses people get married. Here they go:

    - Love and compatiblity

    - Thinking they had to because of family pressure or partner pressure

    - Don't want to be alone

    - Don't want to deal with doing their own house work and finances

    - Surprise baby

    - Make someone else jealous

    - Money

    - Arranged

    Either way, you end up basically tied to someone for life and it is luck of the draw on whether they work out or not.

  11. people get married as a legal contract that legally attaches another person to you. it is like adopting they are legally yours and you are theirs. you have rights protected under law that just living together you do not have. such as if they are in the hospital you cannot see them in the icu unless you are family. when you are just living together you are not legally seen as family and cannot make medical choices or anything of legal importance. you need that marriage certificate if you want to be seen legally as anything more than just a random person in the eyes of the law.

    marriage is the ultimate commitment because if you break this contract there is penalties and you have to legally get it undone and that makes a person give pause to think about what they are doing.

  12. People get married for many reasons .  It is not necessary .

      If you get married , I would hope that you do it because it is what you want . If you do not feel free in marriage then you should stay single.

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