
Why do people get offended at the suggestion that the planet is not our personal trash can?

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Chemicals, trash, and over population are choking the planet. and if that isn't enough we've branched out--we have left trash, filth and refuse all over the solar system-- or is that a myth and nothing has ever left the planet because it would burn up in the Van Allen Belt?




  1. Most people are so spoiled and pampered they don't want to even think about bending over to pick up some trash.  I recycle and sometimes I get some really rude looks from people like they act like I'm homeless or something and then I run into people like me at the recycling center, just an average person trying to do their part to help the planet.  It is going to be an education process and someone is going to have to make recycling and all that look attractive and popular to get things going in the right direction.

  2. Ignorance

  3. Most people don't want to take responsibility for anything any more.  They just want to point their fingers at someone else.  The more guilty they are, the more finger-pointing they do.


    I think it's very ironic that many of the people who have the most contempt for the planet and all other living things on it are the people who consider themselves to be the most devoutly religious.  Wouldn't you think that God would be offended that they're so ungrateful they trash everything and feel no guilt over wiping out entire species?

  4. They think the second coming of Christ is near and the earth is coming to an why worry about it?

  5. Because they believe that human beings are the highest life form and they are entitled to trash everything and use up all our resources and just generally make the whole planet a pig pen.

  6. Hmmm...  I think If I were the planet I would be pretty OFFENDED that I was being used as the worlds trash can! Well Actually I am part of the planet so I AM offended! Thanks!

  7. Watch out, you're treading on dangerous ground.    I recently had a similar question deleted for being inflammatory.     The other two answers are pretty good, so I won't add anything.

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