
Why do people get offended by so many things?

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Another thing I'm reading a lot on the net is people saying "please don't be offended" or "I hope I don't offend anyone". I know this isn't political correctness, but more of the idiom "walking on eggshells". Is the US this scared about everything that we need to worry constantly about being punished because we said something that might *gasp* hurt someone? It seems that this country today is more worried about hurting people than actually being a country and getting on with things.

I know it's better than in the 50's-80's where you didn't give a c**p about what you said to someone else, or who might hear it, but there has to be a better way than saying "oh sorry, did I offend you?" 100 plus times a day, that gets rediculous.




  1. I don't think that I have ever in my life said to anyone > "oh sorry, did I offend you?" < not ONCE -  let alone 100 times a day.

    On the other hand, I have said (rarely), ''This is not meant to offend anyone''.

    It can often be difficult to walk a line and to do so without offending some-one ....and to do so while considering the worthiness of respect of the feelings of others ....Don't you think?

    It's fine to simply spout the > It seems that this country today is more worried about hurting people than actually being a country and getting on with things.  <  Surely it depends upon just whose toes you are walking on to 'get these things done', and as to whether you'd want or like the same courtesy and consideration in return from them.

    By all means, do go ahead and ''crack that whip'', but then don't you dare complain when you find that the same whip is in the hands of someone else.


  2. Yeah, I noticed that among Americans, especially. Not, of course, that people from other countries get offended because they do.. It's just that it's predominantly among Americans, especially those in your south.

  3. I don't think it has anything to do with someone being scared of offending someone, but it's moreso about being able to get a message across in a way that people feel as though they're in an open and friendly environment, which allows for a more honest discussion of whatever matter might be at hand.

  4. Its true that people from other countries do it as well, but Americans seem to be the world leaders in it. Im not sure as to why, but people seem to be scared of hurting others so much that our right to freedom of speech is being hurt. By all means, people have the right not to be discriminated against. But if you want to say that religion A is totall bulls**t, you have the right to say that. All we need is a little respect from people who understand that their opinion is just as valid as everyone elses.

  5. Uh, civilized people have always been, well, civilized.

    It's not true that inthe 50s-80s everyone went around insulting everyone else.

    Being rude to people is not a good thing. The people treated rudely get angry, and retaliate, and things escalate, often into violence or other forms of insanity.

    With the Internet, it's much easier both to be rude, and to take offense, sometimes because there's less to go on than in face-to-face or even phone interactions. (That's why emoticons were developed -- so people could mark when they were joking.)

    No one likes being on the recieving end of insults and other rudeness; intelligent, civilized people realize this.

    However, I wonder is what followed the pleas to not be offended -- usually, they are followed by rudeness, where the person idiotically assumes that their hurtful words won't hurt, just becaus ethey asked.

  6. Political correctness is the exact reason why people stay please don't be offended.  People are so afraid of accidentally attacking, stereotyping, judging others that correctness has reach a point whereas it is better to say nothing than anything at all.  Nothing is wrong with having manners or being polite.  The evil is when thoughts, actions, or words are suppressed whereas individuals cannot saying or doing anything without following status quo.

  7. I could care less if what I say offends anyone...

    that doesn't mean I'm gonna go out of my way to

    hurt someones feelings..(unless they deserve it)

    but if somebody asks my opinion about something

    i feel its better to give them the cold hard truth

    as opposed to sugar coating the truth.

    I work with a woman that cant handle any kind of criticism, constructive or destructive, and it drives me freakin crazy!!!

    I always tell her, suck it up, and stop getting all butt-hurt over what other people are thinking, cause at the end of the day, what they think of you doesn't matter...:)

  8. When someone can't see your facial expressions, or hear your tone, others may take it wrong. Therefore, we want to ensure we are not misunderstood. The people who say those things are not looking for a debate, or to offend, they are merely stating a point, or opinion..

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