
Why do people get offended when you eat with your hands at a fancy restaurant?

by  |  earlier

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They act all upset and shocked, and pretend like you're inhuman when THEY'RE the ones being inhuman! Man was meant to be naked and eat with his bare hands! Why do people have such a problem with this?




  1. if you believe man was meant to be naked and heat with his bare hands...then why would you go to a restaurant that requires fancy clothes, serves tiny meals on plates decorated with sauce, and charges a lot of money for a meal you can make at home for much cheaper.  Seems to me that you want the best of both worlds, my dear!!!

  2. They probably assume that your hands are "filthy" or something, and think your sticking your hands in your mouth and eating it or something.

  3. Because they think they are "civilized" by eating with utensils or clothing their genitalia.

    Next time go to the fancy restaurant dressed as a cave man with a loin cloth and see their reaction.

  4. man was 'meant to be naked and eat with his bare hands' 10,000 years ago. since then, we have actually managed to evolve and now we're meant to eat with utensils like civilized people in society.

    unless of course youre at an indian restaurant, they wont expect you to eat naan bread with a knife and fork.

  5. i've seen people try and eat prawns in there shell with a knife and fork- now thats ridiculous. Try eating quail without using your hands, you leave half behind If you eat asparagus correctly you take one end in your hand and put the tip in your mouth. Some people are obviously ignorant on how to enjoy eating and how to eat properly. There is a reason the finger bowl was invented - because sometimes you should use what you were given

  6. If you are at a restaurant that has utensils, you are expected to use them.  Only eat with your hands if it is finger food such as chicken or ribs.  Heaven forbid you should ever go to a business meeting.  You'll definitely be an outcast.

  7. fine dining comes with set etiquette you have to observe

  8. Why would anyone in the USA be shocked at anyone eating with their hands, I assume you are American? The term 'fancy' is anything other than a burger bar

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