
Why do people get orgasmic at the thought of sushi?

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i like sushi, but just about every time someone mentions it, can count on somebody saying.."Oh my GOD, I...F****NG....LOVE SUSHI!!"

just curious.




  1. theyre trying to seem more sopisticated than they actually are..sushi is an aquired taste..and its served to upscale people....i hate it...that doesnt make me anyless of a person but some people  may think so.

  2. i think sushi is gross...

    i've tried it three times and i spit it out all of them

    idk why people like it so much...

    maybe cause it's "cool"

  3. my ex does that.  guess it's one of those things you have to let everyone know that you're hip or something.  i like sushi, but i don't feel the need to announce it to the surrounding population.  guess i'm a loser.

  4. I think people that are like that are just over the moon over any "ethnic" cuisine that's trendy at the time. I think those people would be over the moon over anything super trendy when it comes to food.

  5. I think it's a food group by itself.

  6. I tryed it and I don''t like it. I do love tacos.

  7. I've never gotten that reaction from anyone.... and everyone I know loves sushi:) .....If you're really 11, as your name suggests, it could just be your age group that does that.......Cody must be living in a vacuum.  Americans have had an obsession with sushi for the last 20 years!  It's been trendy for decades, although the "bloom" is off the uniqueness of it by now........

  8. There's a little bit of a stigma attached to sushi, especially in america.

    Americans see sushi as raw fish, still, and that means it's "Gross" In this culture. It's been that way since it was introduced. I know for a fact my parents always told me it was disgusting.

    Here lately there's a counterculture, where americans are starting to branch out and explore other cultures, and be a little more open minded, especially when it comes to foreign cuisine. Yet, it's still uncommon to find someone who likes sushi, unless you live in a very large city, such as New York or Los Angeles.

    Therefore, I can speculate that the reason people freak out so vigorously when you mention it, is because that it is so uncommon to find somene who likes it. Granted, it's not exactly necessary... But it does happen. I've experienced it as well.

  9. Fish is an aphrodisiac, for some reason, among other things.

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