
Why do people get pets just to dump them?

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This is not a question anyone really needs to respond too, I just get so pissed reading stupid questions form stupid people who get a pet and then when it grows up and isnt cute any more want to dump it.. Its horrible if you take on a pet you do it for life, or find it a place to go.. Did anyone read the question from the person that wants to dump her cats at the san pedro beach...AHHHH I get so frustrated




  1. OMG I knoww! you might as well give birth to a child and dump them when they become teenagers.  Thats so cruel ! get an animal and take care of it or just dont get one!! All animals want is love and care and people just want to get rid of them :( I get so frustrated.  And yes I saw that question i was like WHAT THE h**l what is san pedro beach?  THE CAT DROP OFF?? give your animal to a shelter if you refuse to take care of it! dont drop it off on the street or on a beach! >:O

  2. I don't know if maybe I'm some kind of freak, but I was totally in love with my kitty the very first day I got her.  I know there are people who can't understand that, but those are the kind of people I really don't want anything to do with, anyway.  There's just no way I could abandon my kitty -- EVER!  So I just can't understand how anyone can so casually give up somebody they love, and to be so cruel as to just dump somebody they love on the streets -- it makes my blood boil!  But maybe they don't really love their pets like I love mine.  I swear, sometimes I think people should undergo psychological testing before getting pets!

  3. If I had an answer to this question I believe I could rule the world.  Right now I have four cats.  Two were definitely caused by someone who couldn't be bothered to get their cat fixed.  The other two were from Recycled Critter Rescue, located in Colorado.  One was obviously another product of a unspayed mama and the other was sick with ringworm and dumped.  

    Luckily for me, they have all been happy, well adjusted kitties, but something happened Saturday that just broke my heart.  I went by RCR (located in Pet Smart) and the manager asked if I would be willing to foster the prettiest, sweetest little seal point Siamese kitten you ever saw.  She is shy, and needs exposure to people and or other cats.  I had to say yes!

    She is litter box trained, has an eye infection (one eye) that she doesn't even fight me when I put medicine in it, is sweet and loving, and trusts me totally but is deathly afraid of her own shadow.  Given total access to a room, she hides everywhere she possibly can,  

    She was obviously abused -- for some reason he is deathly afraid of soda cans.  Regular water glasses don't bother her a bit.  

    I have been asking myself this question a lot this week.  How could ANY one do this to such a beautiful obviously sweet animal?  All we can do is try to increase awareness for all the dumb creatures of the world and pray that idiots stop abusing animals.

  4. Because they are lazy.. It's all fun and games with a cute kitten or puppy until there is work involved. Scooping litter boxes/dog p**p, vaccuming up hair/dirt, fleas, health problems, training, chewing, elimination problems.. Pets aren't all fun and games, nor are they all cuteness and cuddling. They are a responsibility, they are completely dependent and they require much patience, knowledge and patience again!

    I have 4 cats all strays.. 2 dumped as kittens on the side of the road and 1 as an adult, the other was a young stray in the city. I see kittens dumped off every year on the back roads where I live. I foster kittens for a rescue and it is unbelievable how many cats and kittens are thrown away like garbage every single day. I know people who get dog after dog, puppy after puppy and give it away time and again because they couldn't be bothered to actually train the dog or work with it.

    I have 3 dogs, one was a stray, another a pup someone couldn't properly take care of.. The other was one of an accidental litter caused by irresponsibility.

    It's just insane.. I can't understand it, I know why but I don't understand how people could possibly be so callous and cruel. I guess today's society is one that throws everything away, including their pets. It's sad and it places a heavy burden on those who have compassion and a conscience. Right now, I'm fostering 4 kittens that were dumped, and one adult cat that was dumped. They are just getting healthy now.. I don't know what happened to the adult cat but someone really did a number on the poor guy, and all he wants is love. I am also caring for 3 orphan kittens their mother is a feral cat, again most likely one of the many cats dropped off on the back roads that end up being fed and living in the barns of compassionate people.. We are working to catch and spay her!!

    It makes me mad too, but now I'm doing my part. It's hard work, I am exhausted all the time it seems like all my energy goes to them.. but it's worth it. I'm not lazy when it comes to helping societies throw aways.. they need all the help they can get.  

  5. Yes I have been seeing a lot of upsetting questions like this lately, I believe these nasty people will get what is coming to them in the end.  

  6. yeah its really sickening!! makes you want to dump them into the city dump and see how it is huh? Im with you on this one!!

  7. i feel ya!

  8. Well, beware that some people post just to rile people.  But, there often is a lack of responsibility by people.  They see so many strays out there, that they become immune to considering that they are dealing with a life.  Yes, some get a 'cute' kitten, then dump it when it grows up.  There are people who will never show responsibility.  The real sad cases are those who lose their home to foreclosure, and are forced to give up their beloved pets.  Few places other than the home you own are pet friendly.   Or older persons who have to move out of their home due to health reasons, and have to give up their pet.

    The flip side is why do people get a pet they cannot afford, find it sick, and then post, asking for help on a serious illness saying they cannot afford to see a vet.

    When I see someone posting for a 'free' kitten, it causes a chill up my spine.

    This pet forum really takes one's patience at times.

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