
Why do people get summons for jury duty???

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Why do people get summons for jury duty???




  1. Because the constitution says that everyone gets a fair trial by a jury of their peers, their peers being anyone and everyone, so people are summoned and then sometimes chosen or not chosen to serve on certain juries. The people are chosen at random.

  2. Because someone has to do it.

      The jury system is archaic and should be scrapped. It's not fair to the jurors and not fair to the defendant since a good lawyer can manipulate the way the jury interprets the evidence  and there's no way a sane person can disregard information that might be wrongly given out.

  3. Trial by a jury of peers is a guaranteed constitutional protection my friend.

  4. go to jail and you will never have to serve on a jury.

    but don't do anything really bad that hurts somebody. if you do break one of those stupid laws or a curfew.

  5. It means you MUST show up to do your part in the law of the land.  If you do not, you will be held in contempt.  If we allowed only volunteers, I don't think we'd have the "jury of peers" that we so often mention.

  6. Because their names go on the list when they register to vote or get a driver's license.

  7. civic duty

  8. For sh*ts and giggles

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