
Why do people get there tonsil removed?

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and does this sound like my tonsil is hurting it feel like one side hurts and my neck hurts well not like the bone but when you push alittle like by my tonsil it hurt plez help




  1. Had my tonsils out at 20. A bit painful, but better than the alternative, chronic strep & loss of voice. If you get them out opt for an IV drip as opposed to general anesthesia, less complications. Swollen glands and persistent infection are the only good reasons for such a procedure

  2. I got mine removed when i was 7 becuase i was having double ear infections since i was born and have not had one since

  3. it reduces the amount of sore throats and ear infections a person ma yget over the years.

  4. Many doctors suggest removing the tonsils if the person has a history of a lot of throat infections each year.  Many remove the tonsils AND the adenoids.  It can really help reduce the amount of throat and ear infections a person gets.  If you have a sore throat, gargle with very warm salt water 4 or 5 times each day, and use Cloraseptic throat spray or throat lozenges.  Take tylenol for the pain...

  5. Many reasons.

    I got mine out at 3.

    I always was ill. Always. Literally half the time.

    My mum took me to the doctor. They did nothing. Then she happened to mention I snored like an old man. Straight into hospital to get tonsils removed! Don't know why snoring was important...

    I think the main reason is recurrent infections.

    Talk to your doctor about what you describe but I doubt they'd take your tonsils out for that...

  6. your tonsils are more than likely infected - home remedy - warm water and salt (gargle with same) should help .  If continues or gets worse go see an M.D. dear. - also , doubt if they will take them out unless extremely bad - used to do it years ago here as a matter of course -

    but I think since the 60's they really try to leave them in and do other things to make them better.

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