
Why do people get turned off by environmentalists?

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This question was inspired by another question about whether or not eating ice cream was bad for the environment. Many people, including myself, answered, truthfully and concisely, without shoving environmental propaganda down people's throats. Yet, all of us who outlined how ice cream, or any product really, *could* be bad for the environment had our answered thumbed down many times. Why? Just because we told the truth? I just don't understand and I need someone to slap me across the face. PLEASE HELP ME!




  1. I think the hot button must be ice cream.

    People get very passionate about ice cream.

    One feels guilty enough eating ice cream without the weight of destroying the planet lumped on.


    Without the support of proof your "truth" is just another opinion.

    If you want everyone to agree with you, don't ever have an opinion.

  2. A lot of people feel very strongly about their own views and do not want to change, and those who do not want to do anything to help feel that they shouldn't have to and do not want to be pressured to change their ways. People are very set on what they want and what they will or will not do, and sometimes, people can get very defensive of their views. For example, when the Live Earth concerts were broadcast, a lot of people were upset, saying that this was taking time away from their TV watching and their normal programming. Some people really wanted to see these concerts, for two reasons: They love the bands, and they care about the Earth. Another example of people not wanting to change their ways. They had programs they wanted to watch and this interrupted that. Basically, people want to stay how they are now because they know that they are comfortable that way, and change means doing things differently, perhaps in a not so comfortable way. I'm not one to speak for the entire human race, but this is my opinion. Hope I helped!

  3. there has been a war against the Environment for 6000 years

    probably to make people insensitive ,so that it can be exploited more easily;...

  4. Separate theory, fact and myth.

  5. It's High Smug emissions.

    There are lots of folks around you who are perfectly happy to be green, recycle, compost, mulch their grass, not be excess consumers....  and do it in relative obscurity.

    Not everyone who's concerned about the environment is concerned about throwing it in your face.

  6. simple answer      "ego"

  7. I think the reason is that people understand that even non-propaganda about the environment leads to legal bans against actions they may wish to take or money they don't want to spend.

    I think people resent having flora, fauna and rocks placed above their own wants and needs.  I know I do.

    Then there are so many pious, holier-than-thou environmentalists who are much worse than religious fanatics and think that freezing nature in its current state is the ultimate good and that anyone who doesn't go along is an [insert ad hominem attack label].

  8. there are people who lack manners, on both sides of every issue.

    when i really hate it (and you do to) is when you agree with what they say, but they're rude saying it.  you just don't want to be associated with them.  and when people see that you agree with them, they may think ill of you, because you agree.

    i, of course, am never rude.

    well hardly ever.

    well, rarely.

    okay, only when they deserve it.

    the 4 thumbs down is just bad luck.

    you see it most often in global warming questions.

    sometimes there are more folks who recognize AGW

    sometimes there are more that deny it.

    i haven't figured out a pattern.

    i think it's just plain luck.

    i can, however, assure you that all environmentalists are not that rude.


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