
Why do people get upset with me when i tell them..........?

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i'm politically neutral.

indeed i am in subjection to the governmental authorities and am so respectfully. but i have no part or opinion in elections or leaders.




  1. I don't get upset at you. I think you are thinking for yourself. Which is better than following any party line.

  2. Who cares!

  3. Many of us were taught that people died for our freedoms, and that it is an insult not to exercise our right to vote and exercise the Amendments. You are not, however, obligated to do any more than you please.

  4. I'm sort of with you. We should care about our leaders because they have so much power over our lives and well being.

    The whole political divide is completely superficial; Two sides of the same coin. People are easier to control and manipulate when they won't even stand together for a greater good.



  5. Whaat?  I don't get upset!  I think it's good that you are neutral and not battling this babble of immature idiots!

    But, um, if someone ever walks up to you and mysteriously whispers a candidate's name...that's not me, okay?  :P

  6. You sound as though you have developed a PASSIVE-AGGRESIVE complex; probably due to chile abuse?

  7. They feel that you are being irresponsible as a citizen for not keeping up with the candidates and issues.

    You may be politically neutral after you keep up with the news but at least you will be able to say with some knowledge why you stand where you stand.

    I suggest you keep up by reading the news from several sources.  If you hear a rumor from someone, treat it as a rumor until you google or check it out to find the truth.  Opinions from people are just that, opinions, they contain the bias from that person.  You will be much better off once you find the truth behind a subject.  Google has the answer for any question.

    My favorite news source is since it takes in the news from over 4,500 sources from around the world.  And you can configure it to follow more subjects, such as obama, mccain, accord 2010, etc.

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