
Why do people give advice about pets, when they don't know what they are talking about?

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Does anyone understand why people do this? I get really annoyed when I read someone giving someone advice that is going to harm their pet. Even if they are just trying to be helpful, they do alot more harm then good when they are guessing at what is safe.




  1. Because people on yahoo answer to give what they think is the correct answer or just want to get 10 points for BEST ANSWER!

    It drives me crazy when I see people given advice to pet owners that are totally incorrect. Dog's ARE NOT humans!

    I find that when i give the rightful answer, it is often reported and delete.This actually encourages the INCORRECT answer's!

    1. NEVER BUY A PUPPY just LOOKS, colour along, fur type-COLOUR, fur type and looks HAS NO INDICATION OF DOGS TEMPERMENT!

    2. Consider your lifestyle-

    4. Are you out more then 8hours a day

    5. Consider your energy requirements, Size, Grooming.

    6. Don't just buy because someone says this is the dog for you, people particular on yahoo answer will give you there particular favourite breed& what suits them, not what actually suit you.

    7. Read all you can-THERE are alot of false information on the web and in books about different dog breed.

    8 DON'T TRUST THOSE DOG BREED SELECTORS-MOST OF THE RESULTS ARE INCORRECT. Ex i search large breed dogs, and the Pomeranian came up, which of cause is a toy dog breed!!


    Adult dogs are the best option over 2yrs of age.

    Oddly enough big dogs are generally more tolerant of younger children-Children grow to respect big dog more because of there larger size and are generally more cautious of them! Young children don't understand the fragile size of the Small/toy dogs and think there a toy, so they'll naturally play more roughly with a small/toy dog breed and are not as cautious and the small/toy breeds just don't understand the roughness or rouwdyness of young children and are too fragile for a 4yr old to handle-Small & toy dogs were breed for adults, so they are inclinde to be snappish if the going get rough! Larger dogs such as labrador and Golden Retriver Newfoundland and medium Collie were breed to tolerate families and young children under the age 8yrs, but are not suitable for people with allergies

    Also alot of people think that natural is better, Natural does not mean better or safe, There are many human food and medications that are toxic to our pets!

    Cats are strict carnivores,they need most of their nutrients from animal sources, but being a carnivores doesn't mean that a carnivorous animal can survive on muscle meat only.

    A wild carnivore such as a Lion will kill and eat the antelope. It will l**k the hair off and chew on the skin, the organ are consumed including the stomach contents with all the partially digested grass, leaves and other grazed plant material, bones are also eatten.

    Dogs are actually Omnivorous.they need alot less meat protein then cats, ferrets or snakes & feeding a high animal protein diet to a dog will take a toll on the dog's health.a dog is designed to to digest a wide range of plant and animal products.Dog's must eat more then muscle meat.they need plenty of carboyhdrates &fibre from vegetable matter and only a very small amount of fat.there protein can come from both plant and animal products.the other things to consider are sources of mineral such as calcium, phosphorous and of cause vitamins.

    Dogs are they Carnivores? Are they really like wolves, hyenas, jackals? or Are they more like us? Is it foolish to feed them only meat? Should they be fed what there human family eats? The Truth encompasses a little of each.

    In the wild, other hunting animal that seem similar to dogs, such as Wolves, hyenas eat fruit,leaves,grasses,dig for roots and even obtain vegetable matter from the stomach of their prey."

    Book-NIBBLE MUNCH CHOMP-The Art & Science of feeding your Dr. Sasha Herbert. Senior vet at the Lort Smith Animal Shelter.

  2. People give advice all the time on subjects they know nothing about.  Human tendency.

    Anytime you post a question here you do it to get ideas - and then you should go and do your own research.  When it comes to pet health, I'd ask my own vet and not just take any advice here without some legitimate verification.

  3. I totally agree. I am a vet nurse and i am shocked by some of the answers and by some of the questions. There are some really irresponsible and stupid pet owners out there.

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