
Why do people give out apples at Halloween? And how can I have my son politely refuse them?

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I'm all for healthy alternatives. This year I'm giving out glow necklaces instead of candy. And come fall, I'm a carmel apple junky. But apples are far too large and heavy to work for trick or treats. My son's treat container could hold maybe four, at best, and that's assuming that the handle doesn't break. I have no desire to lug them around for him. Also, no offense, but I don't know what the conditioners where in that person's kitchen. Cleaned daily? Covered in bacteria?

Why do people pass these out? And what should I tell my son to say if he's offered one? Maybe something like, "Apples are too big for my bag."? Keep it simple, he's only three.




  1. wow how paranoid AND ungrateful

    you go out asking for free food and dare to complain that people give you the 'wrong' food and their kitchen may be filthy?

    I would slam the door in yur face

  2. Well, I think it's sorta rude to refuse a well intentioned treat, to be honest.   I've never in all my years as a child recieved an apple, nor have my children....if he's only 3 I'm sure you could take the one or two apples from his bag and stick them in your pocket till you got home.

    Also, anyone telling you they've gotten razor blades in an apple is probably lying or misguided.  The ONLY documented cases of razor in an apple or poisoned candy ended up being relatives of the child who received it.

    Your concerns about the persons kitchen are also misguided....apples get more contamination right on the tree from pesticides and such than they could ever get sitting on a kitchen counter.  A good washing is always recommended, no matter where the apple came from.

  3. You cannot turn down food. Take it, say thanks, then dump it. Lots of people still carry over the apple tradition, though pre-packaged foods are best,

  4. Some people like t ogive apples. Just tell your son to take them and you can toss them out later. That way no one is offended.

    Sunce he is 3 he will be accompanied by an adult and so he will not be temped to eat one.

  5. I agree, fresh fruit, although healthy, is not the best choice for a halloween treat.  However, my thoughts on giving out candy to complete strangers (who continue to ring your bell all night) is as follows:  These people are going out of there way to supply a treat so that the children of the neighborhood can come door to door to carry out a long tradition of "trick or treating."  I think this is a fun experience for a child and I enjoy participating.  Since this is tradition not required, and instead an act taken on by many (unless you want to get your house egged by thouse who cannot respect you don't celebrate Halloween) then there is no real "rules" about what to pass out.

    My point is - I think it would be terribly rude of you, or your child to refuse a specific treat for any reason.  If you don't like it, or don't think it's safe then just dispose of those items when you are home.  If it doesn't fit in his bag, then hold it (how many apples are you really going to get) until you get home.   I would teach my child to graciously accept any treats given, whether you like them or not.

  6. is it halloween somewhere?  you're making me jones for some crisp fall air with all of these h-ween q's!  

    i think some people want to give out healthy snacks as an alternative to all of the junk that most people hand out.  it's kind of like jehovah's witnesses knocking on your door - some people are so passionate about their beliefs that they're willing to impose them on other people.  

    now, as some people have "kindly" pointed out, you are walking around begging for candy, and typically beggars can't be choosers, so i would agree that you just take the apple, say thank you and then move on.  bring another bag with you if lots of people hand out apples, then chuck those and buy your son new ones and pretend those were the ones if he really wants the apples.  or plant them somewhere near you and try to grow an apple tree!

  7. My mom used to just go through our whole bag with us and take any apples or opened candies for the garbage. BEWARE my aunty got a razor blade apple when she was like 10 no joke!

  8. i hated those d**n people.  I'm out for candy and they give apples.  they usually ended up being projectiles later in the night

  9. Let him take everything, Then go through his bags as soom as he gets home.

    At 3 he should only be saying Trick or Treat and Thank you.

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