
Why do people give stupid answers and can I report them?

by  |  earlier

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Just now I asked a specific question about a videogame and there were three random answers. The first person told me which games he likes better and cursed me off for enjoying this game. The second guy said he played the game once many years ago and he told me all this random stuff about what he did. The third guy said he never even heard of the game. What am I supposed to do and how do I deal with these people?




  1. Why are people so sensitive that they have to whine and tattle to Yahoo like a cry baby?  If I don't like what people have to say, I just give them a thumbs down. No big deal. It's a free country, not the end of the world.

  2. i agree with still confused

  3. I Wouldn't report them but thumb them down, that's why you have that option.

    Reporting is for the lewd stuff and stuff against the TOS, not just because you don't like the answers (altho this being my 6th account, it doesn't tend to be that way)

    As the first poster said, if you report inaccurately you'll lose your own privileges.

  4. Stupidity is not against the TOS. Insults are however.

    My suggestion would be that whenever someone gives you satisfactory answers, that you vote them best answer. Reward good answers, that always helps tone down the stupid ones (keyword: helps, not cure).

  5. I don't know,it seems strange to give stupid answers if you are only trying to learn something.I don't know what to do,I only joined today and I can't give thumbs up or down yet.I tried to give a thumbs up but I have to be level two.Yada ne!

  6. i got a idea

    stop being so d**n sensitive  

  7. You can only report someone if they violate the Y!A community rules. If you report them for anything else you might get a violation notice because of improper use of reporting someone.

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