
Why do people give their children abusive names?

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How do you feel about "made up" names for children? If you were an employer interviewing a person whose parents obviously made up his or her name themselves and you found it ridiculous, would that affect your decision on hiring that person?




  1. Since I have been in the position of hiring and human resources division most of my life, these are some names that really stood out a couple of years back from a list of college students that were on our intern list without their last names.....

    Rainbow Tears

    Janiqua Airs

    Andreus Picolino

    Chiquita Rasta

    Bijou Blue

    Shaniqua Teal


    And many of these people were highly qualified for the position. Rainbow Tears went by Rainee (pronounced Rainy) or Ms. Jones. If the name is too hard to pronounce we would ask them to adopt a shorter version or use their last name only when dealing with clients. If a name is too hard to remember or pronounce it throws off your client or customers and will try to avoid them as much as possible. It may sound terrible to some of you but when it comes to dealing with the public it is a BIG issue. We later on decided to use only our last names in introducing our clients with our employees or sales force. If they have developed a good rapor with that client and first name basis is established, then it was ok, but on first meeting we decided to skip formalities.

    Mind you, many others that applied to our company were really out there but so was the person in most cases. I even had a potential employee tell me just call him booboy because I could not get the hang of his very long and jumbled name and I speak 2 languages and have no problem with even Greek last names but that one was just really messed up. I would not call him booboy and refused to be addressed by his last name so he did not last very long. It is ok to name your child anything you want but make sure you establish a professional or socially understandable name that doesn't instill stereotypes or unprofessionalism even if the child is the top of his graduating class in college, it will hold them back.


  2. I wish your parents had named you Richard.

  3. not quite sure how made up and abusive got to be interchangeable.

    as far as hiring, i believe it would depend on how much that individual was going to be interacting with customers.  

  4. maybe the employers should hire them because of their qualifications.  

  5. You Shouldent judge someone by there name because they didnt choose there name there parents have a right to give a name to there child any name.

    But its not about a persons name ita about there personality.


  6. I think the parents are kinda selfish and just want their neighbors to think they are hip and cool.  

    What's cool for a baby isn't so cool on a college application.    

  7. No because first of all it wasn't their fault that their parents named them that. And another thing is that a name does not make a person. That's just ridiculous...

  8. Trailer trash.

  9. Well the famous Guitarist from Guns N ROses named his son "Cash"!!!

  10. A lady in New Zealand tried to name her kid "Talula Does the Hula in Hawaii".

    And yeah, seeing that name at the top of a resume would give me pause as an employer.  Then I'd ask her if she knew how to dance.  Maybe that name isn't abusive, it's just dumb.  It will subject her to ridicule later.

  11. How does that make it an abusive name?

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