
Why do people give their dogs up??

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i just can not even IMAGINE giving my baby away for ANY reason!! if the place doesn't allow pets, i would find another place to live or i would live in my car with my dog before i'd ever give it away! people AMAZE me!!!!! but my question is, is there an actual LEGITIMATE reason for turning your dog into a shelter?




  1. The only legitimate reason I can really think of is if some kind of horrible event occurred that left someone completely unable to provide proper care for the dog, whether emotionally or financially. It's very true that "people who don't have the money and time shouldn't get a dog," but unfortunately, we never know what life is going to throw at us. We could be financially stable one day and be totally broke the next. A stay-at-home mom who once had all the time in the world to care for the family dog may suddenly find herself needing to work two full-time jobs after a divorce, and can no longer give an active dog the exercise and attention it needs. If someone finds themselves in such an unfortunate circumstance, and it comes between caring properly for the dog or feeding and providing medical care for their children, then the dog is usually going to be the one who suffers. Rather than be given less-than-adequate care, it is probably in the dog's best interest to go to a family who can properly care for it. Do you know how many dogs barely get enough food to eat or even bare-bones medical care (up-to-date shots, heartworm prevention, etc) because their owners are selfish and can't admit that they need to give the dog up to someone who can give it proper care?

    In a case like that, I would rather the dog be given up than kept in such a situation.

  2. Oh Hon for every hundred bad reasons there are some good ones that can't be helped.Such as a older person passes away and no one knows who to contact.A husband and wife divorce and one or the other cannot afford a dog deposit and feed there kids on top of it.Life is not about passing judgement its about trying your best to correct whats wrong around you.Don't give to much energy to that which you cannot change,but change that which you can.Tilks Mom

  3. Some idiots are real stupid and think that they can handle a dog when they're impatient people and if the dog makes a little mistake they get all frustrated like they can't deal with it anymore so they give it back.

    Some situations people can't afford the dog with medical bills and food costs. For the well-being of the dog they must give it up or else the dog could get sick and the owners don't have the money for treatment.

  4. There are. Personally, I would only give up my dog if I thought I wasn't taking good enough care of her and I thought she could do better. But I would never give up my dog for any other reason. But some people find they suddenly don't have the money to take care of a dog, the owner dies and family members can't take the dog, etc. I even know some people that were brokenhearted they had to give their dog up because of a sudden but severe allergy reaction to the dog. So there are legitimate reasons for giving a dog up. But dogs are rarely given up for legitimate reasons.

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