
Why do people go down a class for "love"?

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I have some friends who are dating ugly and snobbish Asian American girls who only like them for being White. They make my friends pay for everything and brag in front of other girls. I don't think this is "love". While she goes up a class he is going down a class as an trophy bf.

White women are really beautiful, yet I don't understand why some people have to be politically correct. Some Asian girls say, "he must be racist since he doesn't like Asian girls". I don't know why they choose to go down a class like that.




  1. No race is classier than another. Class is about money, privilege, and education. If your friends believe they are "dating down" and do it anyway, they have emotional problems of their own. But it sounds like you're just sitting around judging - why don't you ask your friends why they are dating these ugly snobbish girls who don't respect them?

  2. they're just practicing.  it isn't love if they're being used for money or status.

    i'm japanese and mexican and i've only dated white men.  over 40, i think.  i'm married to one now.  most have been germans.  they all seem to like me and i don't think they consider different races to be the same as different classes.  we divide ourselves differently in this community.

    in my group.......

    outdoorsy people, surfers, volleyball players, family oriented people,  travelers, resort patrons, campers, rv'ers, cruisers,

    not in my group....

    partiers, casual hookups, stoners, druggies, hostile people, slackers, excess baggage (many children from different men/women, many exes, drama)

    if you're not in my group, i probably wouldn't hangout with you.  we wouldn't have anything in common.  it wouldn't be because you're thai/mexican/slovakian/panamanian/urdu,c... etc...

    it also wouldn't mean that we hate you.

  3. Just because someone is dating an Asian, mexican, black, white, whatever, does not mean they are going up or down in class.

    That is very backward thinking for someone so young. To each his own. Be with whoever makes you happy; they do not have to have the same skin color as you to be equal. I am white , by the way, which should make no difference, but obviously it does to you.

  4. "some date whites to go up"

    up what do you mean? What makes whites so uppity?

    their are beautiful people in all races, are you blind?

  5. Cause if you try to date "up" eventually you end up bumping your head against the ceiling.

    Which is why so many highly successful Harvard type women don't get to pass their genes on to the next generation.  They refuse to marry 'down'.

  6. I think that interacial dating is ok.

    I also think that a Black man is made for a Black women and a White women is made for a white man and an Asian for an Asian...

    Theyre just similar.It just makes more sense.

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