
Why do people go out to eat?

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Is it bc they are too lazy to cook for themselves?? How can it be a pleasure to drive to a rest, park, have to wait for a table, then pick from an assortment of overly-salted items and nonsense drinks, deal w/ a freakin waiter who you later have to tip ... then drive back home??? And not every time you go out to a rest is necessarily a good experience... and it's healthy, cheaper and less troublesome to eat at home.... people are stupid




  1. The majority of people who go out to eat, are those that spend all day at work, and are exhausted. When they come home from work, all they want to do is rest. It's not really lazy, because they spent their whole day working just to provide for others. So in my opinion, going out to eat really isn't that big of a deal, as the question ^ refers to it as...

    There's nothing wrong with going out every now and then. Nothing at all. Just try not to make it an everyday thing.

  2. Well I prefer to cook my own food because I know exactly how it was prepared and how clean everything is.  It is a lot easier because you can sit and relax while its cooking or have a snack while you are waiting and you dont have to worry about other people listening to your conversation or anything like that.

    Sometimes I do like to eat out, not because Im lazy just because there is somethings I can not make, like this local pizza joint makes a great desert pizza and awesome chicken.  I do not have a giant fryer that frys up chicken like that or know how to make that pizza and I also like cheeseburger pizza which I do not know how to make either so its nice to order out sometimes.  However I dont like paying for things like Olive Garden spagetti or going to a buffet and eating macaroni and cheese when I am very capable of making it myself.

    If I have to wait longer than 30 minutes at any rest. I will not go there either. Once in awhile we all deserve a break, its nice to have someone else make all the mess and cook everything and you just get to eat it.

  3. I go out to eat sometimes because

    1) Some restaurants have sme really delicious foods that I can't make exactly the same way at home.

    2) If you eat out the wait staff will bring you everything instead of you having to go and get it which is very relaxing for a change.

    3) When you go out to eat you won't have to clean up or do the dishes after words.

  4. It could be laziness, but from experience-- sometimes after work and school, I'm too tired to cook. People like the notion of "dining out" at a restaurant because they feel it's "not fast food", when in reality IT IS. What people don't realize is that they are eating the same exact things that they try to avoid at fast food places, such as mcdonalds and burger king. Mentally, they don't view it as fast food because they are sitting in a comfortable, bustling atmosphere with a ton of people, having a good time. I agree with you-- it's way cheaper and healthier to eat at home.

  5. I like to go out because even though my wife is a very good cook and I'm not too bad with a few dishes, it is fun to let other people do the work.  And we go to restaurants where the food is good, the price not so bad, and where the food is not over salted, overcooked  etc.

  6. Some people just want a break from cooking, or don't know to make what they want to eat.

  7. we do not like to cook at home its too much

  8. it's not that people are lazy, but it is a reprieve from the average at home dinner, if you know what i mean.  Also to some people it is like a luxury.  People go out to eat for many reasons i.e., on dates or for more family entertainment, but to say that people go out to eat because they are lazy is a really cheap and low shot. It is also a stereotype.  I cook alot and im only 15, but i enjoy going out to eat because i can hang out with friends and family at a resteraunt instead of the usual home dinner.  Overall i think you should revise your question, and people arent stupid, some people are just different and dont like whats traditional or normal.

  9. i eat out because by the time i get home from work and then cook it is already 7 or 8 o clock

  10. After cooking for 47 years for my family and still doing it, and I do enjoy it . But once in awhile I do like to go out and eat at a restaurant, I believe if you treat people with a kind words and a smile, it usually ends up to be a pleasant time for all. You seam to be full of anger maybe you are one that should not go out for dinner. Try the reverse, think of the people (The waiters,) have to put up with, and how they stand on the feet, 8 hours a day, and sometimes more to feed there family. Enjoy your dinner,

  11. I can go to the buffet at Golden Corral and eat only what I want and as much as I want of it. OR I can plan a menu, go to the grocery store, prepare the food, wash whatever needs washing of it, cook it-which could take twice as long as getting to the restaurant, dish it up, serve my family instead of sitting to a hot meal myself, THEn still have to wash the fricking dishes. All of this while the kids run around trying to help when I'm already exhausted from their attempts at helping to vaccuum the rugs. Sounds enjoyable to me....

  12. Because I don't want to buy a whole bag of turmeric, coriander powder and have it go stale on me just to eat Indian food.

    Also my house is not big enough for a tandoori over/ Pizza oven. In fact for 4 years of my life all I had was a microwave.

    It takes forever to make fresh pasta and I can get it made for me easily and tastes good.

    Restaurants have a much better supply of beef than you would get at an affordable supermarket. Same with Seafood.

    Sometimes after a long day of work I don't want to slave over a hot stove. Would I be less lazy if I ate Ramen at home or ate a grilled chicken salad at a restaurant.

    I eat out for ideas as well. I have to idea on how to cook quinoa or crab roe and would like someone else to experiment in the hard work.

    It's not too hard to eat healthy, if you control yourself.

    You can always get water at restaurants if you can control yourself. It's free.

    And people are not stupid just because you cannot take pleasure in the little things in life.

  13. The expierence is what you make it out to be. If you don't like eating out don't it's that simple.

    My husband and I go out to eat once in awhile to have a nice meal and alone time.

  14. Jesus Christ!!

    Why is it wrong to go out and let someone else do all the cooking and cleaning once and awhile!!

    You must have never been to a restaurant because there are plenty of high quality places with healthy food on the menu.

    Eating at home is what we do mostly but a change is good too.

    You need to get out more because you are clueless..

  15. People don't want to waste time cooking and then cleaning the dishes, or don't have time because they work all day.

    Fortunately, my grandma is the best cook ever!!! She does miracles in the kitchen!

  16. YOU ARE A Goober

  17. I am actually a pretty good cook, but there are lots of things that I can't really make for one or two people.  So being able to get it at a restaurant is pretty cool.

  18. yeah i know. i agree with everything youre saying. I guess it is easier to go out to eat than have to drive home and actually have to cook something. its just so much faster and easier to tell someone what you want then actually have to think and cook it.

  19. b/c maybe they dont want to cook , feel like it, or they are away from home (ie vacation).

  20. I go out to eat because after a long day, I don't feel like cooking and washing dishes.    Sometimes it's good to treat yourself out.

  21. Because going out to eat is relaxing.

  22. well... her are some reasons.

    they are tired of cooking.

    they need a break.

    they want a burger...but suk at making them

    they want something different.

    in general, people just injoy eating out for the pleasur of luxury.

  23. Hey I totally agree since I found out I have High Blood Pressure I rarely and I mean maybe once every 3 months will I go to a restaraunt.  I can cook better cheaper then get on with my book. chores or computer or whatever I feel instead of driving home and where I live thats a good 45 minutes

  24. Never enough time at the end of day. Sometimes easier to just have someone else prepare it.

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