
Why do people go to the trouble of asking a question and then REFUSE to pick a best answer?

by  |  earlier

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You know who you are, you should be ashamed of yourselves. It really is the very height of bad manners...I've a good mind to send my 14 year old senior citizen dog over to drool on your shoes and gummy chew your shoes...deeply ashamed...that's all I will say.




  1. What does this have to do with G&WS?

    ǝɯ ʍolq

  2. i never "refuse" to pick a best answer. sometimes i forget i even asked one and by the time i come back and realize it they have already put it in voting. then, if i can, i put in a vote like everyone else. seems to me like you are assuming that these people who didnt pick a best answer are rude people when it could even be that something happened where they couldnt come back. one time i asked alot of questions and my computer crashed and i couldnt get back to pick best answers. try giving people the benefit of the doubt, maybe humans wont seem so horrible to you anymore and you will stop assuming the worst of everyone.  

  3. because dinner's on the table

  4. Perhaps they forgot about it, don't care, or wanted the opinions of the community to decide.  Will it really affect your life that much if you have to wait for your precious Yahoo points?  

  5. The only time that I have not chosen best answer was when my computer was sent away for repair.

  6. Going to all that trouble to provide an answer virtually guarantees you won't get 'best'.

    Most of these folks are looking for one liners, not information.

    Cheers :-)

  7. because most of the questions on here are bulls%$t. They are not true questions. After reading a interesting question I will look at other questions asked by the same person and in 1 they claim that they are 24 years old and looking for love in all the wrong places, blah blah blah and 15 minutes before that they asked a question claiming they are 14 and asking why they get beat up at school. I don't take too many questions on here seriously but I will give a serious answer. good luck.  

  8. Yes, I would agree with you that in too many cases it´s just bad manners not to pick the best answer, especially when the questions are of a "personal" matter (not poll or perhaps questions which answers require higher knowledge/education so that the asker is not sure about the reliability of it´s content).

    Forgetting can happen, but at least some asker´s comment would be a polite way to appreciate the answers.

  9. Not too long ago somebody asked this question quite seriously.  And then he forgot to come back and pick a best answer. He realized he had done it an apologized in the comments boxI have posted questions and then left town for a couple of days and found my question In Voting when I got back.  I have also intentionally put questions to the vote because  I didn't know or couldn't decide what the best answer was.  If possible I at least try to come back and thank people in the comments box.  

  10. maybe we forget.

  11. Try to keep an open mind here miss.. It remains the option of the individual asking the question. They may simply choose for the community to select the best answer. That's why there is an entire section here devoted to that. Or, people do forget. Remember we have lives..... It ism't ALL about y.a.

  12. Sometimes I don't realise that much time has actually passed .. and sometimes I want the community to vote themselves .. especially when i have asked re opinions ... because naturally if it was up to me .. I'd select the one closest  to what I would think ... so I let the community select

    I have a big soft spot for senior citizen dogs .. lol :) send it over

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