
Why do people grind their teeth?

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I did it when I was little & don't anymore, but my bf does it almost every night & sometimes it wakes me up. Is there any way to control this or is it just something some people do? Thanks :)




  1. Stress, tension, anger.  You can get a mouth-guard to keep you from grinding your teeth.  Go see your dentist.

  2. stress,tension ,anger sometimes the medications people take can cause this. usually when this happens at night it TMJ(Temporomandibular joint disorder ) acute or chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, which connects the lower jaw to the skull. The disorder and resultant dysfunction can result in significant pain and impairment. Because the disorder transcends the boundaries between several health-care disciplines — in particular, dentistry, neurology, physical therapy, and psychology — there are a variety of quite different treatment approaches. TMJ / TMDs manifest as a variety of symptoms, including headaches, ear pain, pain in the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) and disruption of normal mandibular function. Symptoms commonly associated with TMJ / TMD relate to the dental and oral structures, the jaw, TMJ and masticatory (chewing) muscles, or may appear to relate to nearby head and neck structures.

  3. It happens when you are very angry,

    and ready to tear someone in half.

    You could also be mentally unstable.  

  4. it pends on different triggers like for example when i get mad it triggers me to grind my teeth

  5. What do you do to your boyfriend?

  6. I do this alot. Even when I'm not thinking about it. It's usually to do with stress or nervousness, but sometimes it just happens, I guess...

    You can get him a mouth guard to wear at night. It'll let you sleep and save his teeth!



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