
Why do people hang on...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, whenever I'm talking to someone, or when I post a question on here or whatever, People only seem to pay attention to the last thing I say or Type.

here's an example:

"Hey guys I was wondering what you're favorite Playstation 3 game is. Do you think Resistance is good?"

then just about all the answers I gte are "Resistance is a great game", "Resistance sucks", etc. and they completely disregard the part where I asked what their favorite game was.

why do people do this? can't they pay attention to everthing I say?




  1. No, most of them can't see the whole picture and answer to it all. In a way it's how our minds work, one part sicks and the rest is just surrounding fillings. That's not an excuse though since it doesn't take us much to reread it all and look at all of it. Another thing is that most people today are "stressed" and are trying to keep as many balls in the air at the same time as possible. They are out of focus and they are in a constant hurry, so they simply grab the easiest piece of information and answer to that so that they can move on.

    In your example it's easier for them to say that it is good or that it sucks than it is for them to think of all the games they have played and decide on wish one they like the most.

    People are also really bad at understanding examples. If you try to describe something and they just don't get it so you give them a hypothetical example they think it's the real situation and reply to that. Duh! If you make a story up that shows what you mean they think the story is about you no matter how much you tell them that it is fiction and not reality.

    It just takes too much effort in thinking and too much time for some guys so they jump into conclusions or take the easy why out by replying to what they did see.

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