
Why do people hate Americans?

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i travel alot and it seems to me that many non-Americans seem to hate Americans.





  1. I know this isn't an answer to the question, but I hope they don't.     But if they do, I'd like to hear WHAT it is they hate about us.  Hopefully they  will share their reasons.

  2. The more I realize what many of the rest of the world thinks of my country and my fellow citizens, the less desire I have to want to learn anything else about them.  Unfortunate.

  3. Because they are condescending, loud, uninformed, opinionated and think that they own/run the world.  

    Who the h**l died and made America boss of the world?  Did you lot ever stop to think that not everyone wants you to come barging into their country and 'fixing' it?

  4. Whenever I go to America, we get partonised. "Aww bless, you're from england! Would you like a cup of tea?*giggle*"

  5. It's simple:

    a) Jealousy.

    b)They were treated by Americans badly before so it's pay back.

    c)They were taught to hate Americans from birth (rare).

    I am sure there is nothing personal here.

    Don't worry

  6. I don't get hated.  I always leave tips, even though it's not customary.  And I speak languages, so they can't believe I'm American.

  7. Do not pay attention to them i found the best recourse overseas is to kill them with kindness. It disarms their hate

    *it terms of "why "that could be anything from culture to a bad experience with a America

  8. I expect to get many "thumbs down" for this answer, but remember that inaction by leftist Europe allowed the genocide in Bosnia to go on for years, and nothing was done until the USA intervened - over howls of protest from the Left.

    To Liz Down Under, it's correct some countries (including the USA) boycotted the 1980 Olympics, but there WAS NO drumbeat of criticism from the global news media for the USSR's invasion of Afghanistan.

    Also, the fact the USA supported the Mujahadeen (not the Taliban) in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan was widely reported in the USA at the time, and books & movies about it were also produced. The FOX network didn't exist at the time.

    The media had no objections to our support for Saddam Hussain's Iraq against Iran (an enemy of the Soviets). The media only objected when our support of SH was replaced with opposition.

    You say the USA shouldn't be the world's policeman. Well then who SHOULD be the world's policeman (note that the USA doesn't want to be "it")? Please don't say the UN - that organization is theoretically capable but can be blocked too easily from taking action, usually by vetoes from China, Russia, and France. That is why Bosnia and Rwanda happened, and why Darfur is happening today.  


    I also travel a lot (and have done so for my whole life) but have NOT found many people who hate America or Americans.

    There IS animosity towards the USA for various national policies. Much of it is because the global news media leans far to the left and hates the Bush administration.  The US news media is currently bashing the USA frantically because this is an election year and they are campaigning for a Democrat to be the next president.  People are only human and a constant flow of hatred toward the USA from the news media has an effect.

    The ONLY network I know of in the world that doesn't bash the USA is FOX, and really only Americans watch FOX.

    I am not claiming the USA is perfect or that everything we do is great.  However, it is clear from the news coverage that the global Left wants the USA to do NOTHING except maybe allow unrestricted immigration by illegal aliens.

    The situation in Iraq does add to the international relations difficulties for the USA.  The Left will always hate us for knocking over Saddam Hussain because he was a Soviet client (and therefore worthy of worship by the Left). Our government's conduct of the reconstruction has been ham-fisted and that has added to the opportunities for criticism from the Left.  

    Note that no other answers mentioned Afghanistan, which we also invaded. That is because the Taliban were enemies of the Soviet Union and therefore are worthy of hatred by the Left. The global news media NEVER bashed the Soviet Union for invading Afghanistan in 1979 - after all, the USSR was just trying to offer the glories of socialism to a neighboring country.

    Realize this is a trend followed by the global news media (plus much of the entertainment media) since the 1950s.  Every conflict the USA has had with "socialist", "communist", or "progressive" nation/group has resulted in hateful coverage by the global news media.   The global news media has accepted or even applauded every conflict we have had with an anti-communist nation/group.

    Perhaps the best example is the hateful coverage that resulted when we invaded Grenada in 1983, compared with the neutral-to-favorable coverage of our invasion of Panama in 1989. Grenada was pro-Soviet while Panama was anti-Soviet.

    Think about it and see if you can find a single exception to the media's behavior as described above.

  9. Hi fara - I am an American expat and mostly in my years of travel, i have found that people might oppose the govt more than individual people - - I have never had a problem, but as someone above said, I do learn languages and do not look down on other cultures - - I think that many americans do not travel outside the country and are locked into a mentality that everything is the newest and best in USA and the world lags behind - and from this comes an air of superiority from some and that might be resented... We always cast ourselves as the good guys but with our current policies overseas, I am afraid that no loner applies - - Maybe we owe the world a little humility..

  10. I dont hate Americans.

    Everyone is different.....and I havent met everyone.

  11. Just a correction for Barry.  The world news media did condemn Russia for invading Afganistan.  Many countries pulled out of the Moscow Olympics in protest.  You forgot to mention that America was funding the Taliban back then (because they were anti-Russian) so helping them to become powerful.  This was around the same time that America was funding Saddam Hussein (because he was anti-Iran) helping create the despot he was.  I bet you didn't learn that on Fox (if at all on any media in America).

    The world doesn't hate Americans it just doesn't like how ignorant a lot of them are.  I have spent a few months in your country and while everyone is very friendly and hospitable, most people know very little about what goes on in the rest of the world.

    The government should stop trying to be the world's police/interferring in other countries because it keeps back-firing/blowing up in their face.  It is costing the American people a fortune both in money and lives for what?? A bad reputation?

  12. not anyone hates americans but some are jealous people start to hate. some are a way aggresive and they could be americans and sure you will start to hate them

  13. Because george bush is the new Hitler.

  14. I had the unfortunate pleasure of living with them in Alice Springs and every one of them are convinced the world owes them

  15. its because they think they own the world and there up themselves

  16. cause they are far up themselves

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