
Why do people hate Bumbo baby chairs?

by Guest45400  |  earlier

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I know they were recalled and now come with better instructions and warnings to keep on the floor but... before I decide to buy them or not buy them for my twins who are 4 months old.. what is wrong with them or what makes them so great?

I asked this question on a live journal community and I got nothing but a bunch of mean replies about how they would never buy a bumbo and I was stupid for asking.

I am not sure what is the big deal and what makes them so bad or so good to others....





  1. Well I know that they can be dangerous if up on a higher surface and also it is said that they can impaire a baby learning to walk because they are sitting with their hips in a weird position. If you are looking for a chair to leave your little ones in I would go for the high chairs that attach to regualar chairs. You can set them on the floor also and they work just the same. Good luck and it is your choice on what you chose to use.

  2. I love mine! I use it to feed my son instead of the bulky high chair. Helps to strengthen their heads/neck trying to sit up around 4-6 months. You can sit him in it at the dinner table if he is upset, we sit our son in his and set him up on the table with us while we eat, he loves it. They come with trays now too.. so I let my son self feed in his chair also. I love it.. get you one!

  3. I love my bumbo - with & without the tray.  It helped my daughter sit up alone when she was 4+ months old.  Never for very long.  She can now escape from it at 10 months & before.  But it's currently placed between the changing table & the sink where I can watch her while I wash my hands after changing so many wet diapers (10+).  I have used it as a high chair and sat it on the table so we were eye level.  But I wasn't stupid enough to then walk away.  I was always right there.   Its simple, light weight, easy to clean.  Good luck.

  4. My girl loved our Bumbo! She was 4.5 months when I introduced it to her. She really enjoyed being in it since she was able to see her surroundings (not just the ceiling). I also used it to feed her solids. I actually believe that the Bumbo actually helped her get strenght in her torso. By 6 months she was sitting completely on her own. Since then I stopped using it. But I still have it and hope to use it again with my next baby.

  5. I recommend them unless your child has very weak muscle tone. They help keep young babies off their heads (which can cause flattening). My daughter loved hers.

  6. I loved my bumbo and will be using it again. People are stupid leave their children unattended on raised counters and stuff. As you well know babies sqruim and fell out. I.E. the problem is the parents not the seat. Plus now they have a cool tray to add HAHA this baby will be in one just like my DD was

  7. I loved mine. It says they are good till they are 14 months. I do not agree with that. My son was strong enough to tip it over backwards when he got tired of it. I was very careful not to leave him alone in it.

    I would say your best bet would be to leave it on the floor or put it on a hard chair with a back so they don't tip it.  

    congrads on the twins! My youngest is also four months and I will be buying him one too!

  8. Bumbo's are great! It really helped both my kids sit up un assisted. There are some idiots in this world who actually tried to use a Bumbo as a car seat, and of coure, the company recalled it for legal reasons. But as long as it is sat on the floor, it is safe. Neither of my kids EVER fell out of it. Nor did they have learning/progress problems later on. It's great!

  9. my dd is only 12 weeks old, but she has a bumbo and a tray....she can sit for a few secs b4 she starts to tire, but i have noticed that since we have been using it for a little exercise (very closely supervised of course, i am no idiot...:)) she thinks she has to sit straight up in everything and of course she can't LOL; she looks like she is doing stomach crunches trying to sit in her carrier or her bouncy, swing,'s with anything else you will have some moron put in in his car with a seatbelt and then sue, and there will be a recall so they can put in the papers not to do that....if you are supervising, as you should be, it's just another toy that builds up 'da muscles man...LOL

  10. I love my bumbo chair.  It goes with me when I go out to eat, when i'm at my parents house with ashlyn. Even at home i use it to help her learn how to sit up.

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