
Why do people hate George W. so much?

by Guest65154  |  earlier

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I like the guy. Although he has his own personality quirks, he practically hit the ground runniing when he was elected. I would point out to all you naysayers that it was in fact Al-qaeda who struck first, killing thousands of Americans on September 11th. I say we re-elect Bush(if only) and finish what we started in Iraq. Those who just want points don't bother to answer.




  1. And I'm off..... First, he used September 11th to further his friend's companies, like Halliburton. he mishandled the war in Afghanistan, lied to us about WMDs in Iraq, he let Osama go (we had him cornered in Tora Bora, but we hired local warlords to guard the back exit. Turns out the warlords like Osama more than "The Great Satan"). The beginning of his first term was one of the first times in about 50 years our government had a surplus. Now, our government has a nearly 10 trillion dollar deficit. Most of that money was lent to us by the Chinese, so if they ever decide to start collecting their money, America's ruined. He's stupid, his administration is filled with corruption, and the rest of the world sees everything they hate about America in him; a loud-mouth, bigoted idiot. Now we're stuck in two un-winnable wars, thanks to your beloved president.

    EDIT: and the reason we haven't been attacked again is because Al-Qaeda got what they wanted. They wanted us to be stuck in an unwinnable war in Afghanistan, the same way the Soviets were. Osama fought against the Soviets, and realized that no matter how strong militarily a superpower is, they can't win over the minds of the population. Using this strategy, they attacked America hoping for retaliation, not dreading it. They knew we would attack, and that's just what they wanted. They wanted, and knew, we would be stuck in an unwinnable war. The terrorists have already won, we're just too stupid to realize it.

  2. I love the president as a human being but i just disagree with the direction the country is going.We have deficits,unemployment,foreclosure,katrin... insurance,wrong war,inflation ,no wmd,abu graid etc,etc

  3. Because he let 9/11 happen and brought us into a war over reasons he made up to profit off oil companies his family has ties to.  

  4. Amen!  Think about it, did you really hear many people complain about him or the deaths BEFORE it started affecting people's wallets?  People won't admit it, but they don't really care who dies or what happens, as long as their jobs are secure and their money is safe.

  5. Bush is probably the most misguided president we have ever had.  He started an unnecessary war against Iraq instead of going after Bin Ladin.

    He has spent trillions of dollars, got us deeper in debt and is moving us toward record unemployment, hyperinflation and lack of confidence in the government.

    Other than that he has done a great job.

    He doesn't mind sending thousands of American military personnel to their death in order to make Iraq the kind of country he wants it to be, but when he was subject to the draft, he took a no-show position in the National Guard.  A very different approach from that of his father who served courageously in World War II.

  6. Most people I know who don't like Bush just dislike him as a president, not as a person. I think he's an OK guy, but I think there are better men for the job. I think he's done kind of poorly, and in some cases has been if not dishonest, not forthcoming about certain things.

    One thing that bothers me about your post is the insinuation that Al-qaeda and Iraq are somehow related, which they are not. Also, presidents can only serve 2 terms in the United States, so Bush can't be re-elected.

  7. Personality quirks?  The man is a continual, amoral and continuous liar. It is well known that he traveled the country hawking false intelligence in his plans to attack Iraq, telling us all about the WMD and the dangers therein. He told Congress that Saddam would bring a ship into the New York harbor and lob a nuclear bomb at the city. He promised diplomacy even as he was preparing his Shock & Awe, and he allowed a foreign national, Prince Bandar, to be privy to military information about the attack. Read Bob Woodward's books.

    Bush has no respect for the working people, seems to consider them not worthy of his attention, but tosses all benefits in the direction of his cronies, the CEO's of large Corporations, such as his mentor, d**k Cheney, who is so unpopular even John McCain doesn't want him to appear at the Republican Convention.

    Bush has neglected the economy, borrowed to the hilt until our nation is hopelessly in debt...which you will find out later when you start paying it back, and he is operating on a deficit. The dollar is lower than ever before and, because of the lack of rules, banks went berserk with faulty loans and the result was the mortgage meltdown.  Then, these criminal banks are being bailed out, while thousands of families are homeless.

    Not a cent has gone into our Infrastructure, which he is selling off to foreign enterprises. Foreigners run our ports, our toll roads, and are buying up our real estate.  Because of the low dollar, it's dirt cheap.

    He has used Signing Statements to evade laws, makes his own Imperial laws, and seems to think of himself as a King or Dictator instead of an elected official. He approves of torture and his team of lawyers create a document to call POW's "Enemy Combatants" for the sole reason of keeping Bush and Cronies out of International Courts on a charge of war crimes.

      To listen to him make a speech, one has to sign an Oath pledging allegiance to him, yet his salary is paid by ALL of the people.  He is, without a doubt, the worst president we have ever had.

  8. Because he's so ignorant and a liar.  That's just 2 of the many reason.  Do you need more?

  9. i like the guy too, has anyone noticed we havent been attacked at all since our invasion of afgahnistan and iraq, the insurgents can't attack here anymore because they're either getting killed over there or running with bin laden to the pakistani border away from us

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