
Why do people hate NBA teams that have a great history of winning titles?

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I see a lot of Warriors fans hating on the Lakers .Its not the Lakers fault that the Warriors have a history of losing.If its a nor cal ,so cal thing then i can understand.Nor cal pro sports teams have never been worse then they are now.




  1. It could be a Nor cal thing look at there teams!

    Warriors>not good

    Kings>not good

    49ers>now stink

    Raiders >bottom feeders now

    Giants(baseball) they stink

    A's>they stink

    So yes your right!

  2. Because some people don't like their Team always losing except If they are team that has the Most titles like the Celtics 17 of them Everyone is Jealous of us, Ha Ha.

  3. Mr. Nibbles is a Bulls fan and does not like the Lakers for a few reasons.

    Mr. Nibbles respects their history and heritage but today's team seems to have none of those memorable values and greatness. Kobe Bryant is not the greatest thing ever, he is overrated and to be frank he is a cry baby. Plus the fans are annoying, like this question for example. You are saying we are all jealous since our team isn't that great and yours is, this is a terrible generalization, people have a lot of reasons not to like teams and it turns out the Lakers have more reasons not to like than most other teams besides say... The Patriots.

    Mr. Nibbles also wonders why you are posing as DMAN, the Kobe hater. It must mean you have no life and must masquerade on the Internet as someone you don't like. It makes NO SENSE.

  4. Because their the Over-dogs. I'm from Houston and its my instinct to Hate every single Dallas team. And if you arent from Boston or LA then you are most likely gonna hate them.

  5. U have no idea, how much I agree w/ u! As Granny Curser says, "Greatness breeds hate". There is nothing u can really do, except ignore.

    LOL. Enjoy!

  6. I see that Lakers fans like you are the hater here.  LOL.


    All the thumbs down proves that I'm right.  LOL.

    You guys could never handle the truth.  Maybe that's why you also hate Paul Pierce because his nickname is "The Truth".

  7. It's a combination of both.  Lakers and Celtics were the most hated and loved teams in the 80's cause they were the one's winning the titles.  As well has Nor ans So cal always have a rivalry with sports.  

  8. Everyone is just jealous of me and the Lost Boys.

    We have fairies and you don't!

    I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!

    Think Happy Thoughts!

  9. Sure because you're a bandwagoner on "your" lakers

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