
Why do people hate a person who snores while sleeping??

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Is it a fault of the person who snores? Or is the person who snores does that intentionally?




  1. normally because it's annoying and depending on how loud it is it can keep people awake  

  2. It is not the persons fault that they snore when sleeping it is that the person is not getting enough air breathing right.A person who hates another person who snores it is probably because they can't get very much rest themselves having to here the other person But it is not there fault and it is never intentional that someone snores while sleeping.

  3. Nah, its not the snorer's fault. Its the airway being partially blocked or something. But, if the person has Sleep Apnea, then it is totally not their fault. That's hereditary. But either way, people can find it irritating. My Mum found it irritating--until my Dad swallowed his tongue and had to go to hospital where they found out he had Sleep Apnea. Now he has a machine which keeps his airway open because it gives him air. So, he doesn't snore because his airway is getting a sufficient amount of air.

  4. It's becuase it messes with everyones else's sleep!

    My girlfriend used to get really upset with me everything I snored - and then she basically forced me to do something about it.

    I went to the pharmacy and tried everything - nothing worked except for this product called Slumber Guard that you can get in pharmacies across Australia and you can slao get it online for worldwide delivery.

    It worked for me - now we don't argue about snoring!

  5. One hates the noise as one can't sleep with a snorer, not the person who snores

  6. I don't think it's a matter of hating the person who snores, rather it's hating the snoring itself.

    My wife loves me, but I suffer from insomnia (in other words, I have a great deal of difficulty sleeping). When I do manage to sleep I've been told I snore (quite loud). My wife absolutely HATES my tossing and turning due to my insomnia & when I do manage to sleep, she hates the snoring! LOL. But that doesn't mean she hates me or loves me any less.

    She's a human being and is entitled to her fair share of rest and relaxation. We actually sleep in two separate bedrooms. Most people will tell you that's a sure sign of marital problems. While sleeping in separate bedrooms may be one sign of marital problems, in my case it's a matter of two people respecting each other boundaries & having a little consideration for their partner.

    There are no faults when it comes to sleeping disorders, only misunderstandings which can be corrected by education & compassion.


  7. I cannot be done intentionally.Because it is one of the brain work while on sleep.We hate because,that sound may spoil the others sleep.It can be reduced by certain exercises.But people never go in for that.

  8. because its annoying and when ppl want to sleep and there is a loud obnoxious noise preventing you from sleeping its kinda hard to sleep!

  9. it is not their if one snores.people hate the snoring person becoz it disturbs them.i dont know how?

  10. I don't hate people who snore, but I do get annoyed if they keep waking me up.  I know it's not the fault of the person who snores, but anyone who is awoken multiple times in the middle of the night is bound to be grumpy.

    I snore too, btw.

  11. I have to sleep with complete silence so yes I hate snoring. And it sounds nasty

  12. We don't hate them, we can not sleep with them

    My hubby snores like a chain saw and he also suffers from apnea, so he stops breathing and you think  he is going to die, we can't sleep in the same room.  I resent not being able to snuggle up with him, he is one noisy man!

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