
Why do people hate america???

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i love america by the way but i just wanna no why people hate this country so much?




  1. This quote from John McCain is exactly why some people hate America.

    "In the 21st century, nations don't invade other nations."

    Even d**k Cheney must have had a great laugh over that comment.

  2. Don't confuse America with Republicans.

  3. Look at where America has been and what has happened to those countries over the long term.

    Democracy works.  That's why.

  4. I probably guess that their governments do not protect the citizens as much or care about them like George Bush and any US Republican leader does.  Our President goes to war against countries threatening harm to the US and our citizens because he has the courage to do so.

    Our economy is shaky, but he is doing everything he can to try to stabilize it and he's also concerned about the borders by keeping potential threats out of the country be securing them more.

    I don't see any reason why we are hated.....    

  5. there jealous and don't live here, id be jealous of the best country too if i lived in some **** hole

  6. What people are you talking about?

  7. Just the Michelle Obama's of the world; bitter and never proud.

  8. Only Liberal Democrats hate America. Only because the country is not going down the Socialist Path that they all want.

    Real Americans want everyone to be the best they can and be rewarded for their efforts without Government Interference and high Taxes on their efforts.

    Government has a function. However it is NOT to rape our wages and earning every time they find another loophole.

    If you really look at it, add it up. 15% Federal Income Tax; 8% State Income Tax; 5% City Tax; Social Security Tax; Medicare Tax; License Plate Tax; Gas Tax -- currently .44cents a gallon on Ohio; State Sales Tax; Telephone tax... and on and on and on...

    How much of your hard earned dollar do you actually keep after all these taxes? Only about .45 cents. Are you waking up yet people????

  9. Well, aside from the obvious envy, I would say American jingoism.

    Though some countries that hate America really just hate most countries.

  10. people don't hate america, muslim extremest hate america and their not people their animals

  11. we dont hate america..we hate what bush/republicans have done to america!

  12. I suppose all those folks trying to move here, hate America.

  13. George W. Bush and d**k Cheney

  14. We are considered bullies.  When I travel abroad, people tell me they have nothing against me (which is refreshing to hear.)  It's the government they have a problem with.

  15. you won't get a real answer, because all of the folks that could answer from first-hand knowledge are in Mile High Stadium tonight

  16. I love my country!  What I hate is what Bush and Cheney have done to it.  Since they took office:

    Gas prices have doubled

    Food prices are rising at the fastest rate since 1990

    We are in two unending Wars

    We went from a budget surplus to a giant deficit

    The dollar has lost a 1/3 of its value

    Unemployment is rising

    Thousand of people are losing their homes

    Banks are going out of business

    The US Automobile industry is dead

    Crime is up

    School test scores are down

    We are more dependent on foreign oil than ever before

    The ones that hate this country are the ones trying to bankrupt it.

  17. Far left liberals tell their cronies to hate us and our government (look at Ayers, rev. Wright, Farrakhan, Michelle Obama - all of Obama's supporters and associates, by the way).  These are americans that hate america, tell us how terrible it is.  And need to go back to when it was better.  When the h**l was that?  During slavery?  During the Jim Crow laws?  During the depression?  During the split and protesting country of the Vietnam era?  During Reagan or Bush 1?  How could that be, they were republicans, and it's the democrats saying how terrible we are, so it couldn't be that time frame.  Then what, the Clinton years?  Then why didn't Obama step aside let Hillary run?  And certainly not during the current Bush years, he's the devil to them.  And I haven't figured out yet why people like Baldwin, who each time before Bush was elected he said he'd move out of the country he hates Bush so much, still is living here.  We'd be a stronger, better country without these kind of people that hate it so much, in it.  And other countries, I think are bitter that we have at one time or another through history have had to bail them out of their problems, militarily or economically or diplomatically.  I personally love American, could care less what a the socialists in Europe think about us, or the liberals like Obama who want to turn US into socialists.  Does he not realize that democracy and capitalism are what have made us so strong?  Look at Europe....they are all weak countries that need us to bail them out of problems.  Socialism weakens a country, and I don't want us to be socialists.  The liberals do, but h**l....they're the ones that hate america.

  18. world dictator bully who overthrows smaller dictators

  19. How much time have you spent out of this country?

    People do not hate America.  You can not hate an inanimate object, however one can hate the person most associated with America, that being it's prezident.

  20. i dont i the the usa.  

  21. Our government supports dictators around the world because they're more predictable and easier to control than democracies, especially in the Middle East.  

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