
Why do people hate american olympians?

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or why do they hate americans period.some of these non american comments have been negative.only americans need reply




  1. Because we're America.

    We pick fights with other countries.  I won't even touch on the subject of Bush.  And whenever we lose, it's guaranteed a bunch of people will start whining and pointing fingers.  And thanks to our sucky economy, it's hurting the rest of the world!  Wooo we're s******g up everyone's lives!!

    And jealousy might play a part in it.  Just pointing out...I mean we do pretty much have open borders in Mexico, so if you want to come live here it's easier just to come in that way.  Illegal immigration!

    But just to say...even though we are Americans, we don't necessarily agree with our country's policies.  So don't let the actions of our government and our dumba** of a president influence your feelings to us middle class Americans.  We have our moments where we don't like our country either.  So don't take it all out on us.

  2. Because there in China.

  3. Because Americans act like they are the only country competing.  

  4. Americans always win that's why!

  5. Don't bother why. I am not American but I know Australians and British who hate Americans as if they are better than Americans. They talk as if they have a 'clean' history when they are also the same. The thing is any powerful country does the same things. China will do the same things. Just wait and see. Wait, in fact, it is already starting to do that.

  6. People hate Americans because Americans think that everybody loves them and that they're better than everyone else.

    at least thats what everybody tells me..

  7. Look at your question and that should give you your answer.  If you really want to know then you wouldn't have put only

    Americans need to reply.  You are going to get a biased answer from Americans who can only speculate why there is this going on.  To tell you the truth their is c**p and negative stuff to be said about every where depending on who you are and personal experiences.  

  8. Worlds Greatest, (above) it is EXACTLY this sort of attitude that makes other nationalities angry!

    First you pick a couple of countries to generally insult (btw I am neither Canadian or Australian), then, despite all evidence to the contrary, you repeat the same tired "we're number 1".

    I have, on numerous occasions in this forum, compliemtned and congratulated US athletes on superb performances. Oh, and i am not angry that the US will outperform my country... Frankly, I expect it... you are something of a sporting superpower after all.. but once, JUST ONCE, I would like to see an American concede this medal tally issue instead of bagging the people who call them on it.

    You are not responsible for the US media conveniently re-interpreting the medal count to be for ALL medals instead of by GOLD medals but this is the FIRST time the US has ever tried this count and it flies in the face of the medal tally run not only by the USA in the past but by EVERY other country in the world.

    When American fans rant at other nations and scream "we're number 1" instead of GRACIOUSLY conceding that another country (in this case China) has outperformed you in this instance and that your media has distorted this fact rather cynically you cannot be surpised at a little backlash.

    Perhaps if you recognised the achievements of others in the same way that you are demanding recognition by others of the (numerous) achievements of the US team you may find a somewhat different response!

    At any rate, good luck with the Olympics! i hope your team continues to build on their considerable successes.

  9. Its nothing to do with the Olympic athletes don't tar them with the same brush as all those supporters who carry on like the Swedish Wrestler did when the judges decision went against him.

  10. Well the Iraq war was Bushs fault in the first place not the majority of the americans.

    The USA has 600 athletes in the olympics so thats something. And China has 500. Jamaica has something like 10 and their coming up to the tenth place!

    People are just Jealous of talent

  11. Iraq. From that point on I've never seen the US as the same country. It's difficult for me to grasp why Americans aren't aware why they're disliked. You're such an arrogant country. I'm not exaggerating- I hate your guts. Pile in with the thumbs down if it makes you feel better- it doesn't change my attitude.

  12. Because some Americans can be so loud and in your face it upsets other nations..... but then again if I just won the gold everyone would hear about it !!!  

  13. because they always win they should let another athletes from a 3rd world win

  14. It's not the athletes they hate but Americans in general. They think that Americans try to change and dominate everything they can. The entire world calls the game Football but Americans call it Soccer. Why? Then what are we still doing in the middle east? Is it Oil that Bush wants? So they view all Americans with hatred. Any one standing against America should be shut down? Like Cuba. Why do they want other countries to stop trading with Cuba? It is totally ridiculous. That is why the entire world hate Americans. And I'm sure they can find a million other reasons. Look at post 9/11 elections. Even though New York was hit and Bush decided to go after the "terrorists" to "avenge" the attack, most New Yorkans did not vote for him because they knew that it was the wrong thing to do. Think about it fully and you'll see why they don't like us - period.

  15. Most of those comments are made by jealous Aussies and Canadians. They keep bringing up how China has more gold because they are mad that the USA outperforms their country.

  16. The rest of the world has always hated or severely disliked us ever since our country came into existence. Why? Because we were/are the most successful, the most free country in the world, and the people who are under socialistic/communistic/dictatorial governments are jealous. They always say that we are responsible for all the world's ills, but in the end they can't wait to get over here.

    They say Americans in general are hypocrites, but that insult can be turned right back at them.

    Another thing... America is responsible for the most foreign aid out of all the countries in the world. We clean up the messes of others, and then get criticized for it. Either they feel inferior in the face of a country full of Good Samaritans, or they are too proud to accept help.

  17. Well, I m not an American (yet), but I live here, and I m absolutely in support of American Olympians. In fact, I m so mad with the Beijing Olympics being so unfair to US players. My blood boiled when I saw US gymnast Alicia lose out to Chinese Cheng, and it was such a blatant misjudgment, yet they carried it out in front of the whole audience. They are being extremely partial, and deliberately trying to put down US sportsmen wherever they can. Not good....not good. I can go on, but the fact remains that chinese are aggressive to the point of being extremely unfair and will stop at no length to put down America and few other countries. It's so true that sports does not build character, but reveals it!

  18. Listen to yourself.

    You ask this question asking for only Americans to reply.  You like the answers on this site that show obvious bias towards Americans.  You don't realize that Americans are writing hate comments on this site just as much as non-Americans are.

    You're falling to confirmation bias.  You are looking for the things you want to see, and when you don't see them, you don't like it and think something is wrong.  If you pretend that you are a foreigner and read all of the comments once again, you will realize it goes both ways.

    Before you censor me, I'm American and have been living in this country for almost all of my life.

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