
Why do people hate americans so much.?

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i was in london the other day and watched some guys beating 3 men up,a few people gathered around and shouted to leave them alone but when the attackers said they were american everyone started joining in the attack,yet on yahoo people say americans are not too bad but im seeing more and more hatred for them,uk answers only please.




  1. I think that's a sweeping statement. All nationalities have good and bad.

    I've came across many a yank on my travels and I'd have to say I disliked only the loud and brassy ones.

  2. If that's a true story, it's absolutely unforgivable and makes me ashamed to be British.These a***holes should visit the US and experience the amazing hospitality of the American people (not that they'd deserve such treatment or course).

    But you asked why? Quite apart from the sad fact that Britain seems to be becoming a less and less tolerant, more and more xenophobic with every passing week, I think it's simply down to the 'George Bush Effect' - everyone outside the US hates that evil little b*stard, so their hatred is transferred to everything American, including the Americans themselves. It's awfully sad, especially given the American hospitality I've already mentioned. But then again, it's also very sad that they voted him into power (well, second time around they voted him in).

    But that still doesn't excuse that behaviour you described (if true).

  3. LOL! Everyone joined the attack. That just made my day.

    Well, where do we start: Arrogant, loud, obnoxious, bible-bashers, their country is c**p & they can't see that, they think every country should know "American", they over-complicate things, (like with writing the date - what's that about?), their words are back to front because they think they gotta be different from the rest of the world like "f***y = a*s"? OK then.

    Just tone down the c**p, arrogance is annoying.

  4. Not sure if I believe that.  

  5. Not americans.... Republicans!

    But no of course beating them up isnt justified even if they are Bush nutjobs.

    To be honest, most (in fact ALL that I can remember) Americans you meet outside of america are really nice people. And when you go there, most of them are too (depending on where you go of course).

  6. What I think upsets people is that they think all Americans are just watered down versions of  Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.   In my very limited encounters with actual Americans I guess that they are a confusing mixture of hugely polite and deferential folks, to hugely simple and narrow minded to being patriotic to the point of never questioning anything about anything.  Americans can be big and brash

    but you sometimes wonder where's the substance.  In many ways -

    they couldn't be more different to us Brits.  But having said all of that,

    the best of those I've ever spoken to have been courteous and charming

    and we could certainly take a few lessons from them on that score.

  7. they dont

  8. The real British would not beat Americans up and as i only have your word for it i do not believe a word of it.There is an influx of idiots in this country that seem to want to call themselves British when they feel like it and have a hate of all things American and British but then there are also some real idiot Americans as well.Questions like this do not help!!!!!

  9. The morons roaming the streets bent on trouble (and mobiling it for screening) need little or no excuse to pick a fight - and for others to join in to show they're equally 'brave and daring'.  I assume the Americans were obviously so  and given the very low esteem in which the USA is held in many parts of the world, that would have been sufficient to pick on them.

    Quite disgraceful.  Our Mr Brown is as low rated as G Bush and fighting to cling on to his job - running away from a General Election.  As 'credit crunch' bites deeper we must expect more and more such unruliness - whilst a disgraced government makes more and more blunders. Reluctance to

    to intervene is almost certainly due to fear of being knifed - a rising crime - and the shortage of a police presence (whilst a wretched 'government' claims a reduction in crime).

    But be assured you're wrong in generalizing "people hate americans" - I certainly don't and only the cowardly and moronic would show such imbeclity.

  10. LMFAO!!! "Everyone joined in" :D

    lol@VV - I dont believe it either. Still  a good story though :P

  11. well, i find them irratating and usually really quite into themselves.

    but seriously, thats going way too far.

    its actually really racist. x

    EDIT: girl called to tell the truth, your comments just proves and shows why we find you irratating. im glad im not americant tbh.

  12. I am not British, but I lived there for a few years, so maybe that semi-qualifies me to answer.

    People intrinsically dislike those who are stronger and more capable than they, it just bugs 'em.  

    So I guess if you hone it down to it's stark naked self, it's just plain JEALOUSY.

    Sorry, truth hurts.

  13. I'm a brit who has worked with americans for many years.  Some of my closest friends are americans, they are warm, generous and a lot of fun.  I've also met americans who were brash and self opinionated.  But what's new?  The same could be said of the brits I've encountered.  You just can't generalise.  And if your story is true, violence should never be condoned, whatever race is involved.

  14. I'm from england and I don't think evry1 hates them, it's just a few ppl who do for some personal reason probly, but most ppl make jokes about how dumb they are and how retarded bush is and how racist americans are...

  15. Oh no! I think this is not hate. Its just a method to show americans what kind of communication style they are using themselves, when someone crosses their interests. UK ppl are very polite ones as usual.

  16. well, no one should be beaten up, but americans are viewed as ignorant and arrogant and rather out of touch with the rest of the world no reason to beat them up, i mean after all , why would you want to TOUCH one LOL JOKE  

  17. Seriously, you did not see that happen. If it had happened it would have been in the local papers and on the news (I live in London, I would have heard about it). People would not beat them up just because they are American, (though the most untrue part of the story is that "people gathered around and shouted at them to leave them alone" - in London you see someone getting beaten up, you carry on walking unless you want to lose the use of your legs).

    People do not hate Americans, they hate their governments policies that get us into wars and potential wars (Iraq, Russia etc. - just because you don't rely on the Russians to heat your house, you seem to think it would be fine to start a war and cut off the supply to all of Europe), and we also do not like the stupid members of the American public. Those that sit next to you in a cafe in Las Vegas and ask if you know their mate in Manchester, because they think the UK is some tiny island with only about 2000 people living in it....or who reckon that Austria and Australia are the same place....

    Oh yeah, and we hate the ones who think America is god's gift to Earth. Funny how they are in denial that China is about to overtake them as the richest country, and in denial about how they are soon to lose their super power status. They are generally seen as a group of god-loving, slightly backwards, racist, stupid, arrogant, ignorant and irritating people who are the butt of jokes and laughed at. I don't think that many people actually hate them.

    But don't make up stories that are obviously untrue.

  18. I'm sure the little story you tell about the beating is a lie but anyway, many people all over the world love America.

    It is the leftist media and terrorist sympathizers all over the world that perpetuate the myth that so many people hate America.  You have just bought into the myth.

    America has done FAR, FAR more good for the world than bad (like coming to the rescue of England and Europe twice at GREAT cost to America).

  19. there are sick people in every country but this story is quite shocking.  I dont' hate all Americans - just warmongers, bible bashers and creationists but then, I know alot of Americans who can't stand them either!

  20. That'll teach the b******s not to throw our tea overboard !

  21. I don't believe you ,There is no anti American feeling amongst the general population of Britain .There are many in this country that do not agree with US foreign policy ,but there are no flag burning anti Americans here

  22. Arrogance. No one likes being told 'we're better than you' all the time.

    And US foreign policy sucks. If you can't influence a nation with money or politics you invade.

    Oh, and by the way, your example didn't happen. If it did, I'll expect to see a link to the newspaper report of it. Things like that do not happen without a newspaper getting wind of it. This is not a backward nation.  

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