
Why do people hate animal testing?

by  |  earlier

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I am getting older and luckily I have not caught a incurable std or regular disease such as aids or cancer. I here people say don't test on animals they have feelings there in pain blah blah blah. I for one say test on the animals so I can have unprotected s*x knowing if I have the money I can be cured of anything. Whats your opinion and yes I know where I put this ? so if you have a better test subject let me know that to.




  1. I think they should use humans for testing, specifically criminals on death row.  They're gonna die anyways, why not make them useful first???

    yeah, I'll probably get a rash of sh*t for this, but what the h**l...

  2. I think animal testing has it's place.

    If it is to cure diseases and cancers, and the tests are not extremely inhumane then i support it.

    If it is to see if lipstick causes irritation to eyes of a monkey or perfume when inhaled by a rabbit causes lung problems. NO absolutely not.

  3. we are superior to all other animals and we should use them for testing to make our lives better. the law of nature is the better adapted, stronger animal wins. we are it. no one compares to human beings on this earth.

  4. Animal testing doesn't 'seem' like it would be so bad.. But if you take a behind the scenes look at how they do it, it is awful!!! They will stick lipstick in little bunnies eyes and do really awful stuff. And they don't offer any vet care either and the animlas just suffer!! I am COMPLETELY against animal testing!!

  5. That is cruel and animals should NOT be tested on. And just because you have money dosent mean you can be cured of everything.

  6. I agree with casey. I dont think animals should have to suffer because some dumba** screwed up. If somebody has an incurable disease and they are going to die anyways test on them and murderers and maybe even people like you.

  7. Perhaps the "Pets" forum is not the best place to post a question like this.  I think that we would all agree that animal testing shouldn't involve pets.  

    If you want to have a serious discussing about the benefits of animal testing you could try posting in the Science and Math Forum under the heading Medicine.....

    If you want to discuss the moral aspect of animal testing you could try Arts and Humanities under the philosophy heading.  

    On the right forum, this question could lead to some very good discussion/debate.

  8.'re the most selfish and materialistic person I've met today.  How about we test on your p***s?

    I'll bet they pay you while they're testing...

  9. I'd kill a human over an animal any day. You just think I'm kiding but I would.


  11. its totally wrong because it hurts them and it kills them

  12. I agree, we probably cannot completely rule out animal testing. I think it's justified for medical research purposes. Cancer, alzheimers, etc.

    However, testing on animals for cosmetic motives is completely absurd! Do you have any idea how much pain animals go through when they have toothpaste shoved into their eyes while they're still alive? Imagine your eye dissolving while you were conscious-- it's not pretty. These are such superficial, unnecessary purposes, and we already have great cosmetic products available today.

    Your reluctance to use a condom is not included in the "medical" category. Oh, if only you were an animal undergoing testing instead of an *sshole human.

  13. better the animals than me......**** them

  14. well then we'll both get sh*t  casey cause i agree with you.

  15. Absolutely not. They're living creatures, how about we test on you?

    I agree with the person above, why not test on criminals? Why helpless animals who have done nothing wrong, and cannot defend themselves? It's cruel.

    Also, at your little unprotected s*x comment - get over yourself. You're disgusting.

  16. First off there is no cure for many infectious dieseases so un protected s*x is plain stupid!! It osunds like you need a s*x ed class...most of those std's you talk of are not curable some are, some can be dormant or treated but can do major damage to your organs, and some are deadly and many people wouldn't have the 3-5 k's it take s a month to treat get with the program you are old enough to know these things!

    And they have many things that do not need used on animals such as draz testing they have a paper type product that has been around for umpteen years that reacts as the eyes of a rabbit..NO NEED to use rabbits.. EDUCATION...

  17. Testing on animals is inhumane! many people dont really get that!!! do you know EXACTLY what inhumane means? it means NOT HUMAN!!!!! as in you dont have humanly emotions if you do this or that!!! animals life is just as precious as humans! they have a way to live, a language to speak, and feelings to be cared for! the only thing that people seem to think its ok to test on animals is because were "smarter and have a way of life and are more important than them". THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!! not really!!!!! ever heard of all life is precious??? this doesnt mean that humans shouldnt hunt animals for food, because they are a source of nutrition that is needed for the human diet, but we shouldnt be treating them as a "thing"! i hope all you idiots get that now!

  18. that has to be the most arrogant thing I've ever heard. First off your an idiot for having unprotected s*x and secondly because you think that money can cure an STD. And yea animals do have feelings and they do feel pain, why should we not only end their life but TOTURE them simply so that we can experiment something. Animals don't belong to us, they aren't ehre for us to take advantage of and hurt. Its simply cruel and morally wrong.

    o yea and heres a little tid bit of info that you obviously don't know

    PEOPLE DON'T ONLY DO TESTING ON ANIMALS FOR DISEASES. All sorts of companies test on animals, such as the cosmetics industy.

    try educating yourself before posting stupid questions like this.

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