
Why do people hate cutters?

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I see things everywhere where people say that cutters should just kill themselves. I don't get it. I understand that it a bad, destructive behavior, which is why I quit (one of the hardest things I have ever done). Cutting is NOT an attempted suicide. Cutting releases endorphins, which make you "happy". It is not weird that you hurt less, it just means the body releases chemicals when you do. I want an honest real answer as to why people hate cutters. Really. I would have an honest discussion about it with you too, if you email me. Really. Why do you hate cutters?




  1. i dont hate them i just really dont understand it. i mean, if you say it makes you happy, couldnt you just find another way to make yourself happy instead of destroying your body? it has to leave ugly scars right?  and doesnt it hurt? i cringe when i get a paper cut and it doesnt even bleed. when i hear of people cutting themself, i think of attempting suicide. or people that want attention by acting out. i dont mean any offense, im just saying what i think.

    masturbation does the same thing. i would do that over cutting myself any day. its more fun and not even close to being dangerous.

  2. cuz their retarded and i don't like retarded people.:)

  3. Hon, cutters have a slight kink in their mental makeup which makes them do what they do, I suppose it could be akin to anorexia, but I have my doubts on that one, however, it is curable and on no account should it be defended in anyway as it is still a destructive illness and can lead to infections that could kill you! Have a great day!

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