
Why do people hate george bush and like demorcrats?

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Everything George W. Bush voted on the majority of congress voted on to...Democrats have control of congress right now. George bush just got gas prices down and people dont even notice. Ever since the Surge has started in iraq there country got better.


right a answer writing why u hate bush why u like him




  1. The lies about the war, the Justice Dept fiasco, the huge mounting deficit, our tarnished image around the world, our refusal to recognize the Kyoto treaty---these are just some of things that happened during the Bush years (and during which the Republicans controlled congress).  

    Its not hard to criticize Bush--he's a pawn of the Saudis and other international oil conglomerates

  2. there would not have been a reason to celebrate for gas prices being down if he had not caused them to go up in the first place.. I don't hate the man.. I just think he's incompetant.. This country will never NEVER recover from the damage he's done.. if you weigh his good he's done, with bad, bad will outweigh good by a LOT. you support him all you want.. I think he's incompetent and I am glad he can't run again

  3. thing is, i DONT like bush. ok, so he got gas prices down. but so long as he's in, we stay in Iraq. IDK, that's just what i think.

  4. no one cares

  5. Because that's what the media conveys, so people think it's truth.

  6. The media is liberal.  People will believe whatever they hear on their morning "news" show.  Also, people are all about getting their piece of the pie, and the dems are ready to share our prosperity.

  7. Keep in mind that George put this nation a half TRILLION dollars in debt.

    If george had brains, we wouldn't have gone to Iraq in the first place and did George actually do anything to lower gas prices? If you have evidence of that, please present it

  8. How much is a gallon of petrol???Do you still want more reasons how about USA has no more moral high ground around the world than Zimbabwe. You still more reasons???

  9. Dubya, is quite frankly the worst president in history. He presided over the most corrupt  administration ever. So you think $4.00 gas is down. Sounds like you've been watching too much Fixed Noise channel.

    I'm beginning to hate the dems as well...bunch of spineless worms. They are letting Bush get away with murder. Shouldn't be too surprised, after all they are politicians.

  10. Well, I like him because he will be out of office in just a matter of months, never to occupy the White House again!

    I DISLIKE (can't say "hate" for I don't know the man personally) him because of his "I know best" attitude and his bowing to the big money and his "friends" instead of looking out for the best interest of the country.  If he would have been looking out for OUR best interests, we would have NEVER gone to war with Iraq.  That was something along the lines of "Wag the Dog" - start a war to up approval ratings.

    There are many more reasons why I dislike him, but I am not going to bore you all with them all.  As for the surge - notice what is going on in Afghanistan?  Of course the surge worked in Iraq - put more US troops in an area and things are going to quiet.  Or better yet - they are going to flare back up in an area of the world more volitile and more heavily populated with terrorists.  And the only ones we have to thank for the lower oil prices are the OPEC officials - when there was the theat of the US (one of their largest customers) not buying as much.  When you might lose a good customer, you tend to work on pleasing them.

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