
Why do people hate me so much that they don't even want me to reproduce offspring?

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My twin sister has 3 kids, & no one tells her anything. I have a 17-yr. old cousin who's pregnant now. Me & my twin sister will be 25 next month. I have my college degree. The second I mention wanting to have kids, the family explodes on me, saying "You better NOT get pregnant! We don't need anymore crazy people in the world. You'll train your kids to be crazy just like you. It doesn't make sense for you to get pregnant? Why do you wanna get pregnant? For what? So everyone in town can call you a hoe?" I'm not talking about getting pregnant for just ANYBODY, I want to settle down with a man, get married, & THEN have kids. I'm not promiscuous at all. Besides, I seldom have s*x. I've been single for a yr. & a 1/2. No s*x.

No one wants me to live life like a normal human being. People always think it's THEIR place to restrict me from doing what makes me happy. People think I'm gonna make the same mistakes my mom made with us having to be put in foster care, but I'll prove them wrong.




  1. Two things.  1. At 25, you shouldn't be so tied up in other peoples' opinions of you.  You need to build your confidence in yourself and live your life with your head held high.  2.  Try listening instead of reacting.  Why do they think you aren't ready to have kids?  Are you doing a good job of handling adult responsibilities?  Even though they're being mean, is there any chance they have a point?  You don't have to admit anything to them, but be deadly honest with yourself.

    Nasty remarks tend to roll off your back UNLESS you have doubts about the same thing.  If someone says I'm fat I would say "you're nuts" if I'm secure about my weight or "shut up!!! that's really mean!!!" if I feel bad about my weight.  So why are you taking their silly remarks so much to heart???

  2. Do what you want its YOUR life :P Make up for your moms mistake^^

  3. The problem with family is that they will always have an opinion on whether or not you should have children, or how you live your life. The fact of the matter is, as long as YOU can love and support a child properly, it doesn't matter what others think of you personally. It's all about the child. Do what's best for you and your future children. Not to mention, most of us change in a good way when our baby enters the world. Good luck to you and follow your heart.

  4. How do you put a kid up for welfare?

    tell them there's no such thing as putting a child 'up for welfare'.

  5. You need to not worry about what every body else thinks, There is absolutely nothing wrong with settling down and having kids. Maybe they are reacting that way because they are being selfish. Just because your mother did the things she did doesn't meant you will too. Things that happen to us as a child can either make us a better person or we can go in the same direction. Just be smart about your life and don't let other people influence you on being unhappy. It's you life your choice.

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