
Why do people hate other people? Give me your thoughts.

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Now I know this is a strange question but riddle me this : ). I am a christian and as a christian we are taught to forgive and forget. Which I found is really easy. What is the point of hating someone? Do you realize that it takes alot more to hate someone than it is to love them. And in order for you to hate them you needed to care about them first. I will even go as far as to say that you loved the ones you hate now. I just don't understand why people hate other people so much. All it does is hurt you and nobody else. I don't see any point to it. Hate is like a sickness in your body. Its stress that is unnecessary to your body that can do more harm than good. Let me give you an example of this. For instance, back during the times when Rome ruled the world, one of the punishments that they had for people who killed someone was that they would tie the people(They Killed) to there backs and made them keep them there. Now whats the reason for this. What would happen is that the decay and death on the corpse would get into them and eventually they would die. It was a death sentence. And to me this is what hating someone is like. Its like having this weight on your back that is just wrong to have. Obviously if you are a christian or just believe in God, then you just give it to God and be on your way. But for thoughs who don't believe then you just forget about it and move on. What do you guys and gals think out there? Is there people you hate right now? And if you do what is stopping you from letting that hate go? Hope you found this interesting. I can't wait for your responses. Take care and God bless.




  1. Ppl hate others because they might secretly envy that person or culture and also ppl hate competition so if i keeps the competition down why not hold this group or that group back?..its sad but thats sometimes how it happens

  2. A lot of people don't realize what hate does to their

    health. I can't imagine walking around with lots of

    hate eating me up inside.

    Heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, hypertension

    diabetes and even ulcers could be triggered by having so

    much hate.

    I used to be hateful of the people because of the bad

    things that other people did to me in the past. I started

    having a few health problems of my own.

    Negative emotions such as hate and anger are

    indeed hazardous to our health.

    That's why it's important to learn to love

    and drop the hate.

  3. I also don't know why, I have never hate anyone but all the time I figure out that the ppl who hate other ppl, they tend to be jealous and trying to develope themselves the self-esteem?

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