
Why do people hate peta so much?

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  1. wow i cant stand peta  

  2. PETA makes them feel guilty, and they don't like that.

  3. A lot of people dislike PETA because they appear to place a higher value to the life of an animal, then the life of a person.  If given the choice, I would save the life of a person before an animal.  I would also put myself in harms way for another person, but NOT an animal.  PETA would not agree with me.

  4. I am vegan and I do not support Peta. After a man was beheaded on a Greyhound bus, they wanted to put an add in the paper stating how is slaughter any different. Poor family. Exploitation and pushing ones beliefs down others throat is not cool.

  5. Some people hate the fact that they are aggressive in their believes and they try to impose that on other people.  

  6. They're way too rude and outspoken!

  7. Look PETA sounds like a very good thing at first but once you know what they do you'll understand how horrible they are.They say they want to help animals,right and they accomplish that by Molotov cocktail and firebombing labs with animals in them.They want full animal liberation which means NO EATING MEAT,not even if its another animal.So all of the carnivore and animals with a need for high amount of poultry in their diet will have to go hungry or die from malnutrition.And also no domesticated pets anymore,so ever been a best friend with your dog or cat or guinea pig etc.?Well no more of that if PETA wins!

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