
Why do people hate...?

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People that do things differently than them? This question was sparked by the fact that on pretty much every eyebrow related question I've come across on yahoo answers when someone so much as mentions shaving eyebrows people treat them like they're a freak..

I don't see what's so bad about it, I mean there are 11 and 12 year olds running around in mini skirts so short you can see parts of them you shouldn't and yet people bash other people for wanting to do their eyebrows differently?

I've been shaving about 3/4 of my eyebrows off for about a year now and I know I don't have some super fabulous eyebrows when I put them on but they're not as horrible as people keep saying that all drawn on brows are, I think I'll link to a few pictures of my own pictures with my own mostly drawn on brows and let you people of yahoo answers be the judge.

And this definitely isn't one of those "OMG am i pretty?!?!?!" posts.. I'm not asking for comments on MY appearance, I know I'm not close to gorgeous or anything, I'm posting pictures of myself only to show that not all drawn on eyebrows look like someone took a crayon to their head.

(Sorry about the over-all cheesy-ness of most of them.. I like having some fun :) )

And I'm sorry this has gotten quite long, I know a lot of people probably won't read through all of this but if you do, I thank you for at least reading even if you don't voice your opinion.

Please don't leave me horrible, rude comments. If you want to say that you just don't like the way most shaved off then drawn on brows look that's perfectly fine, I am open to ALL opinions, we all have the right to our opinions, but when you get to being downright rude about it.. well that's uncalled for and childish.

Like I said, I don't think I have some mega awesome eyebrows but I don't think they look like someone just took eyeliner and drew on their face.. mainly because I don't use a pencil to put mine on. I just want to know why do people hate it so much? Why do you feel the need to put down people because they do something you think of as different?

Thank you again to all of you who have read this, even those of you who don't agree with me, even to those of you who will inevitably leave me a mean comment.. thank you for your opinion.




  1. People in general love to push other people down to bring their sense of "normal" up. It's kind of ridiculous how society loves to exclude diversity.

  2. First thing I need to tell you, your writing is extremely long...

    Why don't you just write like this 'How does my eyebrow look like?"

    Thats simpler and people can get what you mean straightly.

    Well, your eyebrow look just fine. There's nothing wrong with it at all.

    And I think most people do shave their eyebrow and draw it manualy.

    Additionally, your hair is great. I really like the pink one. I think it suits you.

    I think thats all from me


  3. i think shaving your eyebrows and drawing em on can look PERFECT when done correctly.

    i so admire people who go along w/ it.

    im wayyy too scared to do mine even though i have thinned them alot.

    i think people have a negative opinion because ONE, your on yahoo answers where most people on here are your everyday look alikes. i dont see alot of people on here tattood, peirced, ect.

    TWO most people (maybe its JUST on here) are still into NATURAL beauty 100%. they see nothing else whether its unique different being beautiful. i see the same answers on here over and over again how "natural beauty" is the only beauty pretty much.

    put eye shadow on and people say "you have too much make up on"

    that is why! never ask appearance questions on here. lol.

  4. I agree with you. i noe a girl who does what you do( shave off the end part so you can achieve the perfect arch) and she has the best eyebrows i have ever seen in my life. and yours are really nice too.  Some people who have no makeup ability however shave theirs off and look like complete idiots though. I just think you have to be talented with makeup to pull it off. and you definitely are! <3

  5. It depends how well you can apply pencil brows. me personally would not have a clue how to. I occasionally fill in gaps when I have over plucked but you are obviously someone who has practiced well as they look great.

    x x  

  6. i use to love drawing mine on. Yours look great your good at it!! not everyone is AND you are really pretty so even if you had NO eyebrows you would still look good. PS. I LOVE your hair!!!

  7. I actuatlly read everything lol And it was hard to tell you drew them on they don't look bad on you. On some girls it looks gross like the ones that have that "shocked clown" look on they're eyebrows is gross and also the "im pisst off" ones are nastier. I don't bash on them I don't say anything at all to them who am I to say something like that I am not perfect and I do have some flaws. Plenty actuatlly. I personally just don't like them, but that doesn't mean ima be all up on they're face saying you look ugly. And I agree with you about the mini-skirt why today I went to In-n-out to buy my fiance something quick to eat and I was with my 2 yr old daughter who saw a girl around 5 yrs old wearing high heels. I was shocked to see her in high heels. My own mother doesn't wear high heels. My mom would beat my asssssss if I even asked for high heels at that age.And as if it weren't enough my daughter litt. killed me when she pointed to them saying she wanted one of them I almost died of a heart attack. Kids these days. GOOD LUCK i love your hair it's wicked awesome.

  8. no people should not be treated differently because of there appearance

    to be honest i don't no much about eyebrows but iv seen lots like yours,

    and plus i agree with your comment about 11+12 year olds.

  9. ur hair is sick :]

  10. People don't understand people who are different from them.  And it's easier for them to put those people down instead of trying to learn about them.

    And your eyebrows look good!

  11. Firstly, most people are opposed to it because the majority or people don't do it. Also, Marilyn Manson does, and he seems to have a bad rep amongst others. ;) Most people take to differences... well, rather badly. Ignore them, cause your eyebrows look good on you. Drawn on are a h**l of a lot better than having one, giant, bushy, unibrow.

    btw, you have SICK hair. ;)

  12. im 13, and i shave my eyebrows, and it looks excalty like yours, i think shaving is less pain-ful than plucking them.

  13. people can be small minded. i think your eyebrows look really good. (and i just have to point out the fact thar your hair is fantastic)

  14. I don't have anything againt people that draw on their eyebrows at all.

    To tell you the truth, the first time I saw someone with drawn on eyebrows, I was thinking '...why' :\

    But now I completely understand that its a personal choice, and who am I to judge?

    There are some circumstances where some women don't have a choice. One lady I knew was diagnosed with cancer about 5 years ago. Thankfully she survived through it all and is proudly cancer-free, but all her body hair besides the hair on her head failed to grow back. She has naturally dark brown hair, so it looked very strange when she didn't get her eyebrows back. She decided to get them tattoed on. At first I was like 'Uh-oh. They might look S**t' but they actualy looked very nice and natural.

    (This is coming from a 13 year-olds brain, so I hope I don't offend you somehow!) I live in a suburb with lots of asian women (Im in Australia, not any asian countries!) but almost every asain woman has tattoed on her eyebrows, or uses a stencil to powder them in. There are also quite a number of alternative women who choose to tattoo or stencil in their eyebrows. A lot of the time they look very nice.

    I don't judge people anymore. I personally find it rude to do so.

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