
Why do people hate taxes?

by Guest44626  |  earlier

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I don't like shelling out some of my paycheck each month anymore than you all, but can you not see that taxes are what holds this country together? Could you imagine a society without taxes? What would we drive on? Who would direct traffic? Who would pay for education? What about government? Police officers?

Sometimes, I find that people do not realize the necessity of some things. Selfishness overrides them. What are your thoughts?




  1. Accounts  Receivable   Tax  

    Building Permit Tax

    CDL License Tax

    Cigarette Tax

    Corporate Income Tax

    Dog License Tax

    Federal Income Tax

    Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)

    Fishing License Tax

    Food License Tax

    Fuel Permit Tax

    Gasoline Tax

    Hunting License Tax

    Inher itance Tax

    Inventory Tax

    IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)

    IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)

    Liquor Tax

    Luxury Tax

    Marriage License Tax

    Medicare Tax

    Property Tax

    Real Estate Tax

    Service charge taxes

    Social Security Tax

    Road Usage Tax (Truckers)

    Sales Taxes

    Recreational Vehicle Tax

    School   Tax  

    State   Income   Tax  

    State  Unemployment Tax (SUTA)

    Telephone Federal Excise Tax

    Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax

    Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax

    Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax

    Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring  Charges   Tax  

    Telephone   State  and Local Tax

    Telephone Usage Charge Tax

    Utility Tax

    Vehicle License Registration Tax

    Vehicle Sales Tax

    Watercraft Registration Tax

    Well Permit Tax

    Workers Compensation Tax


    Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago...

    and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.

    We had absolutely no national debt...

    We had the largest middle class in the world...

    and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

    What happened?

    Can you spell 'politicians!'

  2. I am not against taxes just the income tax, as the 16th Amendment was and is direct slap in the face to our founding fathers. Further do to the amount of taxes we now pay our government has become huge and beyond inefficient. Government should be small have limited functions which it had before the progressive era, rather than being the huge bureacracy it is today.

  3. I think the main reason people don't like taxes is because the government keeps most of the money, gives it to the necessary organizations, companies, etc., and then spends what little is left on the most absurd things. I'm not trying to sound like a hippy but, the government is cheating it's people and they are the ones that are being selfish.

  4. While taxes in a trustworthy government would be beneficial, our government does not currently use our taxes for any purpose other than paying the Federal Reserve. They pay for everything by borrowing money and putting us further into debt. That is why I currently have a problem with paying taxes, because they are being irresponsible with our money. I still pay my taxes anyways, but it makes it very hard to swallow knowing that it is not being used properly.

  5. Take thing out of the hands of the federal government, turn them over to states rights, pay the Feds taxes for protection and nothing else, and see your income grow and increase, giving us much more for our tax dollars with less waste.  What's wrong with that?

  6. Everyone hates paying money to the government period.  The foundation of this country was a revolt from taxation - without representation - meaning having a say in our taxes.  Selfishness is a human normality get over it.

  7. Taxes may be necessary, but that doesn't mean we should vote for a candidate who will increase them!

    We need the government to do some things, but the government shouldn't be doing half the things it is doing.  Most things should be done by private enterprise.

    over 90 cent of every dollar going into a food bank goes to feeding the poor.

    about 66 cents of every dollar going to the food stamp program actually goes to feeding the poor.

    So considering the government is such poor stewards of our money, should we give them more, or leave them to do the fill in the gaps that sometimes occur in the private sector?

  8. Taxes still go there. I don't want to pay higher taxes because that's money I could potentially spend on myslef.

  9. The problem is not taxes. it wasteful spending by the politicians. In Ca. the Democrats had 40 billion more in revenue than they did five years ago. They spent it all and have borrowed more. They want to raise taxes on sales, which we are the highest in the nation now. They want to raise gas taxes, double property taxes on vacation homes, triple car taxes, increase taxes on all business, jobs are already leaving the state because of the high taxes. They give about four billion a year to illegal aliens in welfare, a couple billion a year to developers in Redevelopment Agency money. The RDA's, state and local consume property taxes to repay tax allocation bond payments. These property taxes should go for schools, police and fire protection. Vellejo Ca. has gone bankrupt because it cannot pay off it's RDA debt. In Ca. the Democrat Senate and legistlature took the gas taxes that were to go for roads and freeways and put it in the General Fund and spent it. We had to raise the sales tax to make up for it. The lottery money that was supposed to go for schools, that was supposed to be in additional to what the state gives out of our property taxes, instead the Democrats deducted the amount that the lottery brings in from the schools budget and spent it. It's not taxes, which are way too high, it's uncontrolled spending. If the Democrats get their way Caifornians that make $44,001 will pay 9 percent taxes and over $150, 000 you go to 12 percent. With all the local and Federal taxes you are soon at a 50 percent tax rate.

    Additional: With Medicaid and Medical and Social Security and other entitlements the total comes to 52 percent. Thats when we can keep their hands off the Social Security money. Clinton, according to the March 1999 Congressional Budget Offices report, took 158 billion of the Social Security money over five years and raised taxes by 89 billion.

    We are still paying a tax that was brought in to pay for the Spanish-American War.

  10. I would think in extreme cases both ways.

  11. Why?.......It takes money out of their pockets.

  12. I do not like seeing my taxes being taken to give a crack head a disability check.

  13. I don't mind paying taxes for the things that government should be doing.  But let's cut the welfare for people too lazy to work or make stupid decisions with their life's.  Cut out the bureaucratic waste and the pork barrel projects and I will stop complaining

  14. a lot of tax money is wasted also.  

  15. "No Taxation Without Representation"...are you happy with your representation...?

  16. People who hate taxes are American enemies. They don't want to see America as strong country.

  17. Taxes are for n***s and Communists. If you hate America so much, the country that rebelled to end taxes, why don't you leave. Real Americans believe in the Constitution. I don't want taxation without representation. I am not being represented. I want taxes slashed. Any politician who doesn't agree is no representative of mine. All Communists traitor liberals should be deported.

  18. I don't mind taxes. They are needed. I mind overtaxation. When it comes down to all taxes paid in U.S. About 50percent of paychecks go to taxes. It should be no more than twenty. To many politicans want to throw more money at programs that don't work well just because of politics. There never seems to be enough. The more we pay the poorer they scream we are. TO MUCH WASTE.

  19. "Our tax money is going to WAR not WELFARE."

    I'd rather pay for war then welfare anyday of the week.  The Lib agenda of raising taxes is so they can exploit the poor and minorities.

  20. I don't think the working class mind paying taxes its what the gov does with our tax money like giving billions of dollars to corporation( corp. welfare) yet the republicans cut poverty welfare, education,Medicare and Medicaid. I have been a tax practitioner for 4 years.  What people don't understand is that business only pay tax on profit. Tax deductions hide their profit so they pay less tax. Working people pay tax on their gross income. Itemizing, personal exemptions and Dependants allow you to lesson the amount of tax you pay on your gross in come. This is called your adjusted gross income. I have seen people that own companies buy allot of personal things things property, boats, clothes, cars, vacations, their kids activities like dirt bike racing on the business accounts and try to write them off as a business expense.I've even seen them try to write off personal dry cleaning and laundry with company checks. When they run the company's credit into the ground they bankrupt the company ( keeping personal credit good) keeping all the stuff they purchased for personal use by the business.Then in the salary they make from the company they try to itemize on personal tax paying even less than you do. The wage worker can't hide their personal income. Business owners can. The system is set up for them to lie and get away with it ESPECIALLY the tax code. If you took away all of their tax deductions and made them pay like the wage worker does there would be allot more money paid into the tax system, billions I think. I think we should stop corporate welfare and put it into education and health care. I say tax the S*%$ out of them.Just like they tax the S*%$ out of you. Find out for yourself take the free tax courses and get and Idea of how it works. You won't learn it all in one corse but ypou will at least learn how to protect yourself from the IRS. Good Luck TracyAnn  

  21. They want something for nothing. Mostly Cons hate taxes. Ironic is it not?

  22. I wish the government was able to address all of our needs... but governments are inefficient animals and always have been.  Their nature is waste and bloated spending.  

    The thing about raising taxes is that it sounds good in theory because it will fix so many things, but after those taxes have been raised, the government will become acclimated to them.  By that I mean that the government will waste that and then ask for even MORE taxes.

    It's a vicious cycle.  A minimal government is the best.  Always has been.  Governments fail when they get too big... countries too.  

    I wish taxes were spent on roads, schools, parks, and policemen... but that just isn't the case.  

  23. It's not an objection to taxes but how those taxes are spent.

    We should drive on roads paid for by ample road tax.

    People don't generally direct traffic other than in an emergency.

    I guess parents would pay for education rather than people paying for other people's kids?

    There is selfishness and there is wasting our tax money...

  24. I don't hate Taxes because I never manage to make enough to have to pay them...

    I love taxes... especially for super-rich people... cuz they don't ever seem to offer me a job that I can live with...

    And if people love these wars so much - then I say let them pay for the costs... instead of making our dollar worthless.

    (That's what your taxes are going to anyway... WAR - not welfare)

  25. Saudi Arabia has no taxes and we have more oil than they do.  Why should the average person have to work over half the year to pay taxes that support perfectly healthy people and illegal aliens, then can't pay for their own kids to go to college?

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