
Why do people have a negitive outlook on Vegans?

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I have just made the choice to become a Vegan. I did a lot of research about the lifestyle change and I am going about it in a respected and thought out manner.

My friends have told me that It is unhealthy and that It won't last even when I know otherwise.

When I tell people that I am going to become a Vegan, they use the whole " So basically you can only eat celery and brussel sprouts" thing.

I guess my question is, why do majority of people stereotype and frown upon veganism.




  1. I think it's because a lot of vegans are really rude about forcing their choices on other people. I can see "the look" when I tell people I'm vegan. Like they don't want to tell me their eating habits because I'm going to start pushing my diet on them. People are always really surprised when I'm totally find with people eating meat.

  2. Because they don't understand it, for one.

    And when they see a healthy, happy vegan, they realize that eating meat, dairy, and eggs isn't at all necessary.

    For more perspective and advice dealing with people who just don't understand, check out "Living Among Meat Eaters" by Carol J. Adams.

  3. maybe cause it's annoying when you can't eat out with friends because you always have to think about that one person that can't eat anything

  4. They don't get it.

  5. there reason people act like this is purely human nature.....we dont like what isn't normal sorry but its a sad fact

    and the reason they mention that about food is that because 99% of what omnivores eat contains meat or animal products in some form and therefor its actually hard to randomly think of vegan friendly food

    sorry you had to experience negativity...but some people dont understand...its easy to right them off as nonsense since you have done your research but they havnt...just try to educate a little but make sure you dont get preachy

    good luck

    I'm neither a vegan or vegetarian.

  6. I wouldn't frown upon being a Vegan. I worked with a girl once a long time ago before it was trendy. She was vegan and worked at a diner of all places. It was annoying because every time she had to take out food that was obviously not vegan, like cheese burgers, steaks, eggs, etc., she would practically gag. Why would someone put themselves in that environment if they felt THAT strongly about it?

    Being vegetarian is one thing,but to go vegan.....I don't think we, as humans, were intended not to consume anything of an animal. We have become so consumed with the idea that we shouldn't eat an animal or anything that comes from an animal that we have blinders on as to what occurs in nature everyday. We are animals, and animals eat animals based on your position on the food chain.

    When it's all said & done though, do what makes you happy and stand your ground for what you believe.

  7. I think it comes from the annoyance of the loud-spokes-vegans who criticize carnivores.

    We really don't know who's right or wrong.  It's the whole "canine teeth for meat or nuts" argument.

    There are also so many misconceptions around both vegans and carnivores.

    Wish we could all meet a happy median.

  8. Mostly, because they are ignorant.  Although I am not a vegan myself, I have a great deal of respect for anyone who  has that much self control.  There are a lot of hypocrites out there, and everyone likes to talk **** about everyone else.  Their insults and doubt will only serve as your fuel!  Do what you believe is right, and you will be a better person for it. Just make sure you eat lots of beans and get your protein ;-)

  9. well ithink it is very unhealthy but you have the choice to do what you want. your friends arent real friends if they are telling you of my freinds is a vegan and i dont have a problom with it. they have the choice it is their life so dont worry about it if you want email me i will add you now

  10. i sometimes feel that pescatarians are disliked by vegetarians

    (i am one)

    when i am searching the internet there are some almost nasty comments on us

    i am not being predudice and saying that all vegetarians hate us but that is the feeling that i have got from a few sites!

    i admire vegans just to let you know

    it takes alot to do what you do!

  11. BECAUSE when it comes to dieting, most people look for extremes.  No one can understand the importance of moderation!  

    People rushed to do the Atkins diet, eliminating all carbs and they found that many bounced back with all their weight.

    Going Vegan is an example of extreme.  Why can't anyone have a diet of moderation?!!?!??!?  

    I respect if someone is doing it because they don't want to harm an animal but most likely they do it because it's another extreme answer.

  12. Nobody cares what you eat.  It's what spouts from the mouth of too many vegans -- criticism of "flesheaters," proselytizing, and the whole "I'm better than you" attitude.  Eat what you choose and drop the big "announcements."

  13. It's like politics! One bashing the other!!!!!!!!*

  14. there reason people act like this is purely human nature.....we dont like what isn't normal sorry but its a sad fact

    and the reason they mention that about food is that because 99% of what omnivores eat contains meat or animal products in some form and therefor its actually hard to randomly think of vegan friendly food

    sorry you had to experience negativity...but some people dont understand...its easy to right them off as nonsense since you have done your research but they havnt...just try to educate a little but make sure you dont get preachy

    good luck

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