
Why do people have a problem understanding we are all animals who just happen to be higher on the Food Chain.

by Guest59059  |  earlier

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Christians deny it, Government tries to regulate it and Sociologist try to define it.




  1. Since people have the ability to think for themselves and cultures have the ability to have people think as a group, some will only think a certain way because that is what they were taught.  Government tries to regulate things because people are sometimes too stupid to settle things on their own.  Sociologist just try and make note of what is happening in social groups.  It is not the job of the Sociologist to make people change their thinking but let others know what groups are thinking.

  2. I think I'm possible missing something in your "question."  Are you trying to state you want recipes for "long pork?"


  3. Each of us has a need to feel 'special." To be somehow different from anyone or anything else. Denying being in the food chain is part of it.

  4. People have problems understanding anyone who generalizes the way you do -- not all Christians are alike; not all Governments are alike, and not all Sociologists are alike.

    That, my dear, is what separates us from the animals who walk around on all fours.  We have decisive powers that make us individuals; we do not always follow the herd; and we can celebrate our Father in Heaven by our own choice of observance, because there are many rooms in the Kingdom of God, that is why He gave us free will.  But don't take it from me, read the Bible!  

  5. mostly organized religion is to blame. at the base of your spine is what used to be a tail. we are omnivores but the rule is One organism one vote.

  6. You can't understand them, the way they can't understand you because both won't try.  I doubt my cat thinks of herself as an animal. I bet, you have a pet, that doesn't seem like an animal. We have isolated ourselves from nature, living in temperture control, eating meat that doesn't even look like it came from an animal. When you sit inside a beautiful church talking about lofty ideas, it is hard to reconcile.  

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