
Why do people have a problem with christians running america?

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if im correct the pilgrims came here and started america so they could worship God (the christian God) how they wanted to. so if we started the country, then we can make whatever laws and rules we want to even if they are from the bible, so why are people mad that we want to run it? if you dont like it then go to another country right? wouldnt that solve everything? and about native americans, yes they lived on this soil first but they didnt START the country in which we live in today. thanks




  1. Your logic is baffling....

    "and about native americans, yes they lived on this soil first but they didnt START the country in which we live in today."

    Well, the pilgrims came to the land before the secularists, but the pilgrims also didn't start the country you live in today.  Secularists did.

  2. Because then this country would end up just like Iran.

    And that statement about Native Americans is so stupid it boggles my mind.

  3. as an American YOU can go to another country.... we do not need you telling us to obey your laws....

    this country was founded upon a freedom of religion that mean you can believe what you CANNOT create an enviornment that expects me to live the way you dictate....

  4. the founding fathers intended separation of church and state. the problem is, most of the Christians wanting to run this country don't understand that.

    the US has always been a melting pot of different people coming here for the sake of freedom (from political and/or religious persecution or the freedom to seek out a better life), it still is, and it should stay that way. our greatest strength as a nation has been that we allow that freedom to the point that even if native born Americans complain about the flaws the immigrants who come here applaud that strength as what make us one of the best nations.

  5. We've come a long way baby. America isn't just made up of only Christians anymore. It is made up of many different Religions today. Why is it so important for Christians to run this Country anyway? We all vote on a president to do that. If we end up with a bad president, I guess we weren't well informed, (or we didn't listen) well enough to cast a good vote to begin with. What Christians should do, is to learn tolerance , and to learn to love his fellow man, no matter what his belief. It isn't a Christians job to run a Country, his job is to to love, and to be productive in all that comes from love. I am a Christian too, but I'm not a dangerous one who has forgotten WHO is in control. Don't thank me.

  6. Why should I be moved? After all, pilgrims moved away to worship God - how about you guys follow their example and move?

    Actually, last time christians run the countries, we had Dark Ages.

  7. I have issues with christians running this country for hundreds of reasons.

    Most examples are on this forum.  Children coming in here asking if they're going to h**l for masterbating, thinking of s*x, etc.  This country is so screwed up because the christians ARE running the country.

  8. First of all people came here to escape religions and second of all look at how this country was discovered ahhh

    This country was founded by a bunch of slave owners that wanted to be free my friend that is called being stunningly full of **** So then these so called Christians killed a bunch of Indian people and murdered and killed a bunch of Mexican people and stole their land do you Christians really want to take credit for that maybe you do

    yeah you guys can take all the credit sure why not it fits right in with your Christian attitude and another reason Christianity shouldn't run a country

  9. Australia was started as a penal colony, do you have a problem with them having a judicial system?

  10. I have a problem with theocracy (Christians running America) because that's not what we all agreed on when we ratified the U.S. Constitution. We agreed that the government would be neutral about religion and not interfere in our personal religious matters. Likewise the churches would not push their beliefs into government matters.

    I must also disagree with you about the Pilgrims. They didn't "start" America and they had nothing to do with our legal founding as a nation.

    One last thing: when you tell non-Christians that they need to go to another country if they don't like your idea of theocracy, you are crapping on everything the Constitution stands for.

  11. Pilgrims didn't start this country; they started one colony.  Besides, the law of this land is not based on who got here first (and it was not the Pilgrims) but rather it is based on the Constitution.  And one of the tents of this country is freedom of religion, as specified in the Constitution's Bill of Rights.

    Also, "if you don't like it then go to another country" is an argument that could just as easily be used as a defense of any kind of abuse of the rights of any minority, and our constitutional democracy is set up to prevent that.

    Finally, if you want to see how things shape up in a religious oligarchy, check out Iran.  That isn't the kind of country I would want to live in.

  12. Wow, you might just win the award for most ignorant person of the day.  If the founding fathers wanted everyone to worship the Christian god, they wouldn't have put freedom of religion in the constitution.

    As far as the native Americans, they may not have started the country but the country was started by forcing them out of their lands and killing them practically for sport.  So, if you support that, I'd like to take you to an indian reservation in Arizona where I'm sure a bunch of Native Americans would be happy to remove the ignorance from you.

  13. The founding fathers of the USA were very clear on how they liked their religion: completely separate from government!

  14. "we can make whatever laws and rules we want to"

    Go back to the Bible. Look at how many people were brutally killed (usually by stoning) for fairly arbitrary reasons.

    Also, if you say Native Americans have no say because they started their own country but we were the ones who replaced it with ours, you're advocating killing people, taking their stuff, and then keeping their families quiet when they try to object.

    That's not very moral. I don't trust you to run America.

  15. Well for one thing the church is a bad tree. It bears bad fruit. I do not believe that it came forth from the Teachings of Jesus. Jesus is a Good Tree. If the church was a Part of That Tree it would of only gave us good fruit, but such is not the case.

  16. first of all, the pilgrims came to this country because they were fleeing from religious persecution, what kind of country would this be if, we made this country a "Christian" nation?  and kicked everyone else who follows a different religion, or those who chose not to follow any religion at all. And second, Politics should have nothing to do with religion, since religious rules and laws were written thousands of years ago, it does not make sense to impose the same rules for our current time period. when this country was actually founded, and it's in our constitution, it states that this country should be a secular one. hence the separation of church and state.

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