
Why do people have birthstones?

by Guest64331  |  earlier

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I mean,mine's a Ruby,but is it like,supposed to give me luck if I carry it?

Let's say I have a test.I bring the Ruby with me.

Will it bring me good luck?

What are the stones for if not to represent each animal/object of the zodiac?




  1. the stones are just to represent which month u were born nothing else

  2. I Really have no idea...Mine is Emerold. *Hope I Spelled It Right*

  3. I wear a blue sapphire birthstone ring on my right index finger, and I have been requested to wear this to restore my luck and also help my stars. In regards to my stars this is supposed to help draw positivity my way, also to aid with things working out in terms of health, friendship, relationship, luck and much more.

    Initial when i was asked to wear this by an expert, I was so caught up in my emotions i choose to not give in to wearing it as i had not felt or experience the good luck charm it mostly brought my way. But then there was a very intense stage of my life whereas I was going through hardship and another astrology expert with psychic abilities had asked me to wear it..and for some reason i connected in responding to actually go out of my way to buy it. I must admit that ever since i purchased my birthstone it has for the majority of the months that have gone by brought a warm and positive light in my life. I am not by any means saying that every day i am unlikely to experience to the odd negatives...but this has encouraged in terms of responding to situations for some reasons quickly, restore so much of my lost stars as i echoed above in regards too.

    Eden i am unsure if you will feel the same thing in terms of luck like i have experienced. But if you are willing and a chance taker then i do believe you should without a doubt purchase one as it has done wonders and much more in my life. ;-)

    Hope i was of help....

  4. For most basic of reasons. To sell jewels and jewelry. Most stones have no other uses and are priced based on rarity. Certainly not denying their beauty.

    For me, other than a watch, I wear none. I'll make my own luck.

  5. it just symbolizes the month we are born in, so yes look as it as a special stone.

  6. Personally I do not trust any websites citing this one is for you born on the certain month many contradict themselves really.

    I am a huge fan ( or used to be more like) of crystals, birthstones etc.

    I think You have to have to have a feel for them first and not be dictated by whatever website tells you.

    Citrine was very good for me at some point. I still carry a piece of citrine in my purse..although it is dead tired and needs recharging.

    I used to be a huge fan of turquoise and blue topaze but got more interested in other stones..depending on my mood/ needs.

    I think hematite and amethyst are good healers ( for me anyway).

    At some point I carried rose quartz then just crystal quartz.

    At the moment am carrying a coral with hematite necklace and also an hemathyst bracelet......why ??? do not know.  I follow my intuition..

    Kind of stupid rationally because I love the colour blue most of all.

    But I let it be.

    Some days I carry a real chinese ivory bracelet with 2 tigers at the end. Was given to me by a previous boyfriend......yeah I know ivory is illegal...oops..

    Some days I like to carry a blue sapphire ring; others like you I like my ruby ring.

    And many days now I just carry nothing.

    I used to do a lot of research into stones and crystals..

    Please do not forget that they need to recharged from tme to time. In salt water or under the sun to get rid of negative energies.

    Go with your is the best..

    People have always believed that stones had some kind of healing and magical powers..maybe not so magical..but research into the subject and see...

  7. Birthstones represent the month a person was born, loosely corresponding to the zodiac.

    From a gem website, I found:

    "The idea of birthstones -- a gemstone assigned to each month of the year -- is thought to be an ancient one, and scholars trace it back to the Breastplate of Aaron described in the Bible in the book of Exodus. The Breastplate was a religious garment set with twelve gemstones that represented the twelve tribes of Israel. The gems were set in four rows of three: sardius, topaz and carbuncle; emerald, sapphire and diamond; ligure, agate and amethyst; and beryl, onyx and jasper.

    So how did we get from gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel to birthstones? The writings of Flavius Josephus (1st century AD) and St. Jerome (fifth century AD) made the connection between the 12 stones in the Breastplate and the 12 signs of the zodiac. The idea was proposed that each of the gemstones had special powers associated with the corresponding astrological sign, and that wearing these stones at the right time would have therapeutic or talismanic benefits.

    But this was not quite the same idea as our concept of the birthstone. Based on this astrological model, one ought to own a collection of the 12 different gemstones assigned to the signs of the zodiac, and wear the appropriate gem during the ascendancy of the corresponding sign. This is more like the Vedic astrological tradition of India, which assigns 9 different gemstones to 9 planets, and prescribes the wearing of particular gems according to your health and the challenges you face in your life.

    The idea of each person always wearing a gemstone corresponding to the month of his or her birth is a distinctly modern idea that scholars trace to 18th century Poland, with the arrival of Jewish gem traders in the region. But the modern list of birthstones was not defined until 1912, by the National Association of Jewelers (Jewelers of America) in the USA."

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