
Why do people have dogs bigger than their kids?

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Why do people have dogs bigger than their kids?




  1. I've only had big dogs--retrievers, labs, and a beautiful st.barnard/lab mix. (Silly thing couldn't understand why he wasn't a lap dog!) I just feel like big dogs have better attitudes and are less hyper.

  2. protection,

    saves kids walking to school.

  3. so the kids can ride em like horses.

  4. Huge dogs are better if you have kids. I have an English Mastiff, he is so big and uses so much energy walking around the house I only need to take him on a 15 minute walk a day, its great when im tired from watching my son late at night! Not only that he is gentle giant and lays by my sons swing or bassinet and alert us when he is awake.

  5. So they can feel safe and protected. and yea when I was little I used to ride on the back of a golden retreiver....he was the coolest doggy ever!

  6. i did for a while verry large black husky like weighed 130 pounds

    this dog would set his paws on the shoulders of a 6 foot man and scare him ---was  most friendly never hurt a flea most people wouldnt even get out of their cars ----we didnt have  any problems with un wanted people this dogs paws wer six inches big huge

  7. Well my brother looks like a small pug so i got a big dog so he could be offended

  8. to help keep the kids in line? lol

  9. In our case it was an accident!

    We thought we were getting a collie/cross pup but he arrived at 12 weeks old already the size of a bear cub.

    He's grown to the size of a pony and is a fantastic dog.

    Just wish he was a bit smaller though. With a bit less surface area to him... then he wouldn't bring so much mud into the house.

  10. all the better to eat you with.....

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