
Why do people have kids???

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I mean I am only 15 and been throught so many things..that i wish sometimes/all the time...that i was never born.

At this point in my life i would never conceive a kid...because i would never be a part of brining a kid to this harsh world.

I love kids to death...and when i grow up and etcc...when i will be able to give a kid a life that they could enjoy...a childhood a least...then i wil adopt a them.....

dose anyone get what i am trying to their anything wrong with my everyone i've told this...they look at me like i am stupied or something.....mostly my family members...but i understand why my family members..act the way they do..there middle eastern




  1. Well, first look at all the positive aspects of life.. You sure are a pessimist. You are only 15, you are not supposed to want a child. You are still young, I can assure you that they way you think now will not be the way you think 10 years from now. It is something special to conceive a child, to know that this came from your belly and not anyone Else's. It has your traits as well as your partners but it is something beautiful to experience.

  2. I think you might be a little depressed or something or your parents have made you feel like you're a burden.  If you're in the US you're in the best country in the world. (period)  

    I love my life and even though I have sometimes questioned why I wanted to have children (so badly, my clock was ticking like crazy) I know that it is a natural process and I'm very happy with my life and my daughter.

  3. I felt this way at your age.  I think its great that you want to adopt.  You are young though, and your maturity level and your thinking will change over time.  I had a hard time at 15 and wished I was never born sometimes.  I don't think you will meet a person who didn't think this way sometime during their teenage years.

  4. people think diferent things. But if you do want a kid and if you hold it you will fall in lov with it

  5. I would adopt a child, too.  I always think about how hard it is today for a child to make it to their 18th birthday.  We have bad air, crime, illness...

  6. Different strokes for different folks.  Fortunately, it's a big world with a lot of needs and lots of opportunities for all sorts of people.

    Normally, people are wired to want to have kids, especially women (men are more wired just to want to have s*x!).  Hormones and other things make them that way.  But sometimes childhood experiences and other things can interfere with that desire, or at leat delay its development.

    As long as there are parentless kids in the world, there will always be a place in heaven for kidless wanna be parents.

  7. I'm sorry you feel the world is "harsh".  It's true that bad things happen, and some people have very hard lives.  But most parents feel that it's still worth having children and that they can give their children a happy life.  And although the birth rate is high in some places, for the most part, we are at a point where the population is just replacing itself. The human race does need to reproduce to a certain degree.

    Most couples choose to give birth to their own biological children because they want a child who is genetically a part of them.  Lots of moms enjoy the experience of pregnancy and birth. It's also easier and less expensive than adoption.  But there is still a great need for adoptive parents, especially for children with special needs.  Maybe you are the kind of person who will be perfectly suited to give an adopted child a better chance in life.  If so, go for it and don't let anyone think you are "stupid."  It's not stupid at all.  I'm sure if you still feel this way when you are older and ready to be a parent, you will be able to make a great difference in a child's life.

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