
Why do people have more than 2 kids?

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it takes only 2.1 kids to sustain a population, so if more than 1/10 of parents have more than 3 kids, then the population will increase.

But what is the point of having more than two kids, that is simply increasing the population, and kids are really hard to take care of, so what is the point




  1. Erm... we want to.

  2. Well we both wanted 2-3 kids. So I am now pregnant with our third. I will be getting my tubes tied after birth. We bought our house with 3 kids in mind, and thats how many seats are in the car lol. So it's the logical number and fit for us. Kids aren't really that hard to take care of. It's the most natural thing in this life! From the beginning of time, people have had kids. It's only as hard as the parent makes it. If you run a tight ship so to speak, it isn't difficult at all. If things are smooth and in good order, it makes it a lot easier.


    Just like working in an office with a poor boss that allows people to act wild...thats going to be a caotic job. But a boss that runs a strict overview, your days is going to be fairly quiet and organized.

    So for us the point is: 1) we wanted 2-3, 2) we planned for that number all along, 3) we can afford 3, 4) we have a good routine that isn't wild and caotic, so having a third isn't going to change much of anything except an extra bath, play time, 15 mins getting ready, one more to read to, ect.(all the daily stuff that goes into being a parent).

    I do understand what your getting at, and agree with you in a lot of cases. However if someone is doing well, and is in a position to have 3-4 kids...then I don't see anything wrong with that.

    Where I draw the line is when you have to take 2 vehicles to go out as a family, or when your kids don't get their own room, or when you don't have a good amount of income left over at the end of the month, or when your just leaving them with whomever; whenever; wherever and not raising them yourself.

  3. the point is  that family want to have  as many children they want because its there life  

    lets say a family has a boy and  the jhust had another wee boy reason bein they want more than 2  is because  they want to have both girl and boy which is  hard 2 egt in some familys and  when   they have both  they want another one because the miss the feelin of a baby and they want and feel rreaduy for another child it not that hard 2 understand

    clearly u will never have many children

  4. to eat?

  5. I agree with missweeb and baby2!!!!

  6. Good question.

  7. you should never have kids

  8. Because they want to.  Even though the population may increase, there are still the plus sides.  More jobs,more taxes, more contributing, more discoveries, more solutions.  Kids are only really hard to take care of if you make it that way.  If you can't handle kids, then dont have any.  There are just as many people dying as tehre are babies being born.



      I live in the west where there are thousands of acres, and you can go for miles without seeing anyone. So where is this overcrowding?

    The people living off the system continue to have kids. So those of us that are raising our children correctly and morally, have to have more.

    We have 7 and they will all be contributing moral members of society. Aren't you glad!!! We need more of those.

  10. Because we love kids.

  11. Having children is NOT about sustaining the population.  At least not primarily.  It is about family, love, and having a purpose in life.  I see no point in this life if I don't have kids.  Really.  Kids are happy, they keep adults young and innocent.  They bring much joy to the life of many. They give us something to pass on to the world...through morals and family traditions.  They are good for one another to have (siblings) when parents die.  You obviously should not have children if you do not think they are more than just 'hard to take care of'.  There are those of us who enjoy every second of that task.

  12. u are soo wrong having a lot of children will not increase the population because over a thousand of people die every day and the same amount of babies are born each day if u think about it we are really staying the same!!!

    and besides if no one is asking u for help then you should really keep ur mouth shut!!!

  13. Probably b/c they want them. I guess I'm making up for the ones who have more than 3 b/c I have 1 and that's all I'm going to have. Personal choice on how many you want.

  14. because we want them.

    simple as that.

  15. because other people have less derrr...? also why do you care so much, if everyone had only ever had 2 kids there wouldnt be anyone around because of disease accidents famine...etc.

  16. Ok so ask your parents what was the point of having you. Because obviously asking this question, you were hard to handle.

  17. hmm... if you ever have kids you'll understand its more than a statistic thing.

  18. Kids are only hard to take care of if u let them be hard..I was one of 2 children and found it quite lonely as i had a bro 4yrs younger and i always wanted another sister or brother..I have one daughter at the min but will have at least 3 children...And so what if it increases the population id rather it increase than disintergrate into nothing!! I love my daughter and cant wait to have a big family the more the merrier

  19. Obviously you don't have kids.  Some people find it hard and either have a few or none.  Some people find being a parent easy and want a large family.  I want to have four children because I want a moderately large family.  I have 3 older sisters and an older brother from my father's first marriage.  I don't know any of them.  My youngest oldest sibling is six years older than I am.  My parents also had another baby after me, my youngest sister who is eight years younger than me.  I didn't grow up close to anyone and I hated being alone and lonely.  I had lots of great toys, but no one to share them with.  I have a 21 month old daughter and a son due in Sept.  We hope to have a couple of more children in about 5 years or so.  If you don't want a large family, then don't have one.

  20. same resign you asked this stupid question, cause they want to.

  21. Some people grew up in a large family and they loved it.  Some people love kids.    Some people have no kids at all, so they average out with those who have more than 2.

    Why do people do what they do?  Because they are individuals, of course.  Individuals do what THEY decide to do, not what you decide they should do.

  22. I don't think a family sits down and then mathematically rates how their children will placed into a percentile. They want to...why does it bother you so much?

  23. Who says kids are "really" hard to take care of?  I don't agree with you about that.

    Also, the rate of people dying is equal to the rate of births so your information is incorrect.

  24. why should it matter to you if we want one or if we want ten it is our bodies not yours


  25. Why, do you want the human race to be extinct?

  26. Because people want to. It is their choice and this is America, so it is not your choice...or ANYONE's for that matter, that is why people have more than 2 children.

  27. :-D  Because sometimes when one tries for a second child they get blessed with twins!

  28. Interesting math---what number of people have NO children? did you figure that out? include that anywhere???

    I have three kids and they have five aunts and uncles who will have NO children---how do you calculate for that?

    Maybe I should have a total of seven kids to replace me and DH plus the aunts and uncles???

  29. Did you know everyone in the world would fit into Tallahassee Florida? There is over 6 billion sq feet there, so if your worried about the world being over populated than please get educated

  30. Why do we have kids in general, as long as there kids with out fosters we should not have any untill they are adopted.

  31. In the US, we are currently at the replacement rate.  That is, those of us with big families are exactly balanced by those who choose smaller families or no kids at all.  

    Many European countries are currently below the replacement rate -- they are at less than an average of 2.1 kids per couple.

    If you think kids are really hard to take care of, you can certainly choose to be in that part of the population that has less than 2 kids.

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